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David and Lily's Beach Day Discovery!

David and Lily's Beach Day Discovery!

Guess what? I found a secret beach, David thought. It’s right here in San Antonio! It’s so cool! David was excited to tell his pet, Lily, all about it. “Lily, you won’t believe what I found! The coolest beach ever, and it’s right here in our city! We have to go, come on!” Lily, a happy puppy, loved when David was excited because it usually meant an adventure for her too! “Ok, ok,” David’s mom said as she came into the room, “Settle down. How about we pack a lunch and then we can all go to this beach and you can show it to me. Does that sound like a good plan?” David nodded his head yes excitedly. David loved to explore. Ever since he was little, his mom read him stories about dinosaurs and far off places and he had been hooked on exploring ever since!

As soon as they arrived at the beach, David jumped out of the car and raced to the sand. “Wow!” he exclaimed. The sand was sparkling white, the water was crystal clear and the sky was a perfect blue! “Look Lily, doesn’t it look like those pictures mom showed us of beaches in Florida? I can’t believe it’s right here in San Antonio!” They spent the rest of the afternoon building sandcastles, splashing in the waves, and soaking up the sun. David even thought he saw a dolphin fin in the distance! As they were packing up to head home, David noticed something strange in the sand. It was a small, round object, and it was glowing! He bent down to pick it up. It was warm to the touch and felt smooth like glass. “What is that?” his mom asked, looking at the object in his hand curiously. David shrugged. He had no idea!

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That night, David couldn’t sleep. He kept thinking about the strange object he had found on the beach. He carefully took it out of the box he had placed it in on his nightstand and turned it over and over in his hand. “What are you?” he whispered to the object. As he asked that, the object suddenly started glowing even brighter than before and then, before he knew it, a beam of light shot out from it and into his chest! He gasped! What was happening? He looked over to see Lily watching with wide eyes but thankfully, she didn’t seem too concerned. He decided to just try and go to sleep.

The next morning, David woke up and ran to the window. He wanted to get back to the beach and see if whatever that object was would do it again! As he looked out his window, he couldn’t believe his eyes! The beach from yesterday, with its perfect blue sky and white sand, now looked…different! The sky had streaks of bright pink and purple in it, the sand was now a light blue, and the water – the water was full of people! But not just any people, these people had bright green skin and really big eyes! David rubbed his eyes and shook his head, but the strange people stayed the same. He raced downstairs. “Mom! You are not going to believe this!” he called to his mom in the kitchen, but his mom didn’t seem fazed at all. She just smiled and said, “Oh yes, I forgot to tell you! The Zorpions are here!” “The what?” David asked. “The Zorpions,” his mom said patiently, “They are from another planet and they come to Earth every year to visit our beaches. Didn’t you see the sign?”

David raced back to his room and sure enough, when he looked out his window, off in the distance near the water, he could see a sign that had been hidden yesterday by some palm trees. “Welcome, Zorpions!” it read. His mom came up behind him and put her arm around him. “It’s important to always be respectful of others, David. The Zorpions have traveled a long way to visit our planet, we need to make sure to treat them with kindness and respect.” David nodded, thinking about how his mom was right. He raced back down the stairs and joined his mom and Lily as they headed out the door for another day at the beach!

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