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Evelyn and the Moon Fairies

Evelyn and the Moon Fairies

Evelyn skipped through her house in Charlotte, her pigtails bouncing. "Come on, Lily!" she called. Lily, her bouncy, shiny fish, swam in circles in her bowl. "We're going on an adventure!" Evelyn giggled.

Suddenly, the room shimmered! A tiny, glowing figure with butterfly wings zipped down in front of Evelyn. "Greetings!" it squeaked. "I'm Flora, a fairy from the Moon! We need your help!"

Evelyn's eyes widened. "The Moon?" she gasped. Flora sprinkled her with sparkly dust. "Close your eyes and make a wish to help us!" she chirped.

Evelyn squeezed her eyes shut tight and wished with all her might to help the Moon Fairies. When she opened her eyes, everything looked different! The ground was bumpy and gray, and she was floating! She looked up and saw the Earth, a bright blue and green ball, hanging in the sky. "Wow!" she whispered.

"Welcome to the Moon!" Flora giggled. "We have a problem. Someone has been leaving trash everywhere, and it's making our home messy! It’s important to respect the Moon, just like we respect Earth."

Evelyn saw candy wrappers, crumpled papers, and even a broken toy spaceship scattered around. "That's not very nice," she said, frowning. "We always throw our trash away at home."

"Exactly!" chirped another fairy, buzzing around Evelyn's head. "It's important to respect the Moon! Can you help us clean up?"

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Evelyn nodded. "Of course!"

Flora gave her a tiny broom made of moonbeams. "This will help!" she said. Evelyn giggled as the broom tickled her hand. She zoomed around, gathering the trash in a sparkly bag Flora gave her.

As she worked, Evelyn saw craters filled with shimmering moon dust and tall, jagged rocks. She even spotted a shooting star streak across the black sky. It was the most amazing adventure ever!

After a while, the Moon sparkled cleaner than ever. "Thank you, Evelyn!" The fairies cheered. "You helped us because you respect the Moon."

Evelyn beamed. She had made new friends and learned that respecting all places, even the Moon, was very important.

Flora sprinkled her with more sparkly dust. "Close your eyes and wish to go home," she whispered.

Evelyn did as she was told, and when she opened her eyes, she was back in her room. Lily swam up to the glass, blinking. Evelyn giggled.

"That was amazing, Lily," she whispered, hugging her fishbowl. "I learned that respecting our world and every place, even the Moon, is so important!"

From that day on, Evelyn always remembered her adventure and made sure to always put her trash in its place. After all, respecting the world meant respecting every amazing place in it, even those far, far away.

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