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Evelyn's Big Day at the Market

Evelyn's Big Day at the Market

"Look, Lily, a rainbow!" Evelyn pointed her tiny finger out the window. She giggled as Lily, a big fluffy dog with a rainbow collar, barked happily.

Evelyn loved colors, especially the bright blues and greens of her favorite thing in the whole wide world - fish! Today was extra special because Mommy was taking Evelyn to the Street Market! Mommy said they had all sorts of things there, maybe even colorful fish!

Evelyn held onto Mommy's hand tight as they walked down the street. It was so loud and busy! People were selling shiny jewelry and clothes of every color imaginable. Evelyn even saw a man with a parrot on his shoulder! He squawked, "Pretty bird! Pretty bird!" Evelyn giggled.

The air smelled yummy, like popcorn and sweet strawberries. Then, Evelyn saw it! A big, colorful stand filled with buckets upon buckets of water, and inside – FISH!

"Mommy, mommy, look! Fishy friends!" Evelyn squealed, her eyes wide with wonder.

The man at the fish stand smiled. "These aren't just any fish, little one. These are magical fish from faraway lands!"

Evelyn gasped. "Magical?"

He nodded. "Each one holds a special kind of magic. See that one with the sparkly blue scales? He grants wishes!"

Evelyn leaned closer, mesmerized. Just then, a kind-looking old woman with a purple hat and a twinkle in her eye walked up to them.

"Those are some fine fish you have there," she said to the man. Then, she winked at Evelyn. "Especially that little blue one!"

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Evelyn felt a big smile spread across her face. Could this woman be a... a witch?

"Hello," Evelyn whispered. "Are you a witch?"

The woman chuckled. "Why, yes, dear one! A good witch, of course. And what's your name?"

"Evelyn," she replied shyly. "And this is my best friend, Lily!" Lily wagged her tail excitedly.

"It's lovely to meet you both," said the witch. "You see, I know all about the magic of friendship. It's the strongest kind of magic there is!"

Evelyn's eyes widened. Lily barked in agreement.

"The blue fish grants wishes," the witch continued, "but the real magic happens when you share those wishes with your friends."

Evelyn thought for a moment. She knew the witch was right. Friendship WAS the best kind of magic!

She turned to Mommy. "Mommy, can we get the blue fish? I want to share its wishes with Lily!"

Mommy smiled. "Of course, sweetie. Sharing is a wonderful thing."

And so, Evelyn went home with a beautiful blue fish and a heart full of joy. She had made a new friend – the kind witch – and learned a valuable lesson about the magic of friendship. As for the wishes, well, Evelyn knew just what to wish for – more adventures with her best friend, Lily, by her side!

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