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Evelyn's Extraterrestrial Checkup

Evelyn's Extraterrestrial Checkup

“Look at all the colors, Jacob!” Evelyn giggled, her little hand gripping a bright red balloon that bobbed above her head. Jacob, a very old and very happy turtle, poked his head out from her backpack and blinked slowly at the bustling street market around them. It was Jacob’s first time leaving their house in Columbus, and his shell was covered in colorful stickers Evelyn had carefully placed on him.

Evelyn loved the market! There were so many amazing smells – spicy, sweet, and everything in between! A friendly vendor with a big hat offered her a juicy slice of mango. It was so yummy, even yummier than the crackers they give you at the doctor’s office!

Thinking of the doctor reminded Evelyn why they were at the market in the first place. “Jacob,” she whispered, “We need to find the doctor for your checkup. Remember, you said your shell felt a little itchy?” Jacob, who loved food more than anything, had made up the itchy shell story just to come to the market.

They walked past stalls overflowing with rainbow carrots, mountains of purple potatoes, and baskets of fuzzy green kiwi fruit. Suddenly, Evelyn stopped. "Jacob, look!"

Hovering above a stall selling glow-in-the-dark bananas was a group of … things. They were round and squishy like jellyfish, but they were bright orange and had three eyes each!

"Those must be the extraterrestrial beings Mommy told us about," Evelyn whispered excitedly. She remembered Mommy saying the extraterrestrial beings were visiting Earth to learn about human things, like going to the doctor.

One of the orange beings floated down to Evelyn. "Greetings, small Earthling," it booped, its voice sounding like bubbles. "We are here to observe the Earth custom of 'doctor visits.'"

Evelyn beamed. "My turtle Jacob has an itchy shell. Maybe you can observe him?"

The extraterrestrial being's three eyes blinked one by one. “An itchy shell? Fascinating! Please, proceed!”

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Evelyn, proud to help, led Jacob over to a bench. The little turtle stretched out his neck, pretending to be itchy as the extraterrestrial beings floated closer, their eyes wide with curiosity.

“What does the doctor do for an itchy shell?” one of the beings squeaked, sounding a bit nervous.

Evelyn puffed out her chest. “Well, first, the doctor listens to your heart. See?” She grabbed a carrot from a nearby stall and held it against Jacob’s shell. “Thump-thump, thump-thump!”

The extraterrestrial beings gasped in amazement. One of them tried to copy Evelyn, bopping its squishy body against Jacob’s shell. "Bloop-bloop? Bloop-bloop?”

Jacob thought it tickled and pulled his head in with a giggle.

Evelyn giggled too. "Now, the doctor needs to check your temperature." She held up a big, shiny green apple. "This is a special thermometer!" she declared, gently touching it to Jacob's head.

The extraterrestrial beings were mesmerized. They had never seen a checkup quite like this!

After a few more silly tests involving a pineapple and a bunch of grapes, Evelyn declared Jacob all better. “See, extraterrestrial beings? Going to the doctor is fun!”

The extraterrestrial beings cheered, their orange bodies jiggling with delight. "Thank you, wise Earthling!" they chorused. "We have learned much about doctor visits!"

As Evelyn and Jacob walked away, Jacob munching happily on a banana (a regular one, not the glow-in-the-dark kind), Evelyn smiled. It was a good thing they went to the market! They got to help the extraterrestrial beings and Jacob got to have a very exciting, even if slightly unusual, checkup!

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