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Evelyn's Homework Helper

Evelyn's Homework Helper

"Look, Dad! A spaceship!" Evelyn pointed to a shiny dot zooming across the sky.

Dad chuckled, "That's just a satellite, Evelyn. But wouldn't it be neat if it landed in our backyard?"

Evelyn giggled. She loved imagining things. Especially about space. But today, her adventure wouldn't be in space. It was time for homework!

"Okay, Evelyn, time for numbers!" Dad announced.

Evelyn frowned. She loved stories and colors, but numbers? Not so much. As Dad spread out her homework, a funny thought popped into Evelyn's head. "Maybe a monkey could do my homework!" she exclaimed.

Suddenly, the room filled with a bright light! When the light faded, there, sitting on the table, was a small, furry monkey! He wore a tiny pair of glasses and held a banana in one hand and a pencil in the other!

"Whoa!" Evelyn gasped. Dad looked just as surprised. The monkey hopped onto the table, grabbed Evelyn's homework, and scribbled something down.

"He's doing your homework, Evelyn!" Dad whispered, his eyes wide.

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The monkey finished writing, then pointed to a picture in Evelyn’s homework book. It was a picture of a beautiful island with tall palm trees and sparkling blue water. "Ooooh!" Evelyn squealed. The monkey jumped on Dad’s shoulder and pointed at the picture again.

"You want to take us to this island?" Dad asked the monkey. The monkey nodded excitedly and snapped his fingers.

In a flash of light, Evelyn, Dad, and the monkey were standing on a warm, sandy beach! Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, and the water was clearer than any swimming pool.

"Wow!" Evelyn yelled, giggling as the warm sand squished between her toes.

The island was even more beautiful up close! Colorful flowers bloomed everywhere, and the air smelled like sweet fruit. A playful monkey, who looked a lot like their new friend, swung down from a tree and offered Evelyn a bright red fruit. It tasted like strawberries and sunshine!

As Dad set up a picnic blanket under a shady tree, Evelyn and the monkey played tag on the beach. Evelyn wished she could stay here forever!

But soon, it was time to go home. Evelyn hugged her new monkey friend goodbye, and with another snap of the monkey's fingers, they were back in their living room.

"That was amazing, Evelyn!" Dad exclaimed, scooping her up in a hug.

Evelyn giggled. She couldn't wait to tell everyone at school about her adventure with the homework-helping monkey and the magical island! Even though she hadn't done her numbers, she had learned something new - sometimes, the best adventures are even better than homework!

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