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Evelyn's Spooky Dragon

Evelyn's Spooky Dragon

"Grandpa, Grandpa! Tell me a spooky story, please!" Evelyn bounced on her toes, her eyes wide with excitement.

Grandpa chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Okay, Evelyn, but only if you promise to be brave!"

Evelyn puffed out her chest. "I am always brave! Braver than a spooky dragon!"

"Alright then," Grandpa said, leaning back. "This story is about a spooky dragon who lived right here in Columbus, in a house just like ours!"

Evelyn gasped. "A dragon in a house? Was it a nice house?"

Grandpa nodded. "It was a cozy home, filled with warm blankets and yummy smells from the kitchen. But the dragon, oh, he wasn't very respectful."

Evelyn frowned. "What does 'respectful' mean, Grandpa?"

"It means being kind to your home and everyone in it," Grandpa explained. "The dragon, he blew fire in the living room and left his dragon scales everywhere! He didn't respect his home at all."

Evelyn shook her head. "That's not nice! My home is special. We keep it clean and put our toys away."

"Exactly!" Grandpa boomed, making Evelyn giggle. "So, one day, the dragon heard a spooky noise coming from the basement. It was a creaky, spooky sound…"

Grandpa lowered his voice to a spooky whisper, making Evelyn hold her breath.

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"The dragon tiptoed down the stairs, his heart thumping like a drum. And there, in the dusty darkness, he saw…"

Grandpa paused, letting the suspense hang in the air. Evelyn leaned closer, her eyes wide.

"He saw… a tiny ghost, with big, glow-in-the-dark eyes!"

Evelyn gasped again. "Was the ghost scary?"

"The ghost looked at the dragon and said in a tiny, spooky voice, 'This home deserves respect. Treat it with kindness, or you'll be very sorry!'"

Grandpa continued, "The dragon was scared. He realized he had been wrong to be messy and loud. He promised the ghost he'd change his ways."

Evelyn nodded seriously. "He should! It's important to be respectful."

"And so he did!" Grandpa said, beaming at Evelyn. "The dragon started cleaning up his scales, he stopped blowing fire indoors, and he even started putting his dishes in the sink!"

Evelyn clapped her hands. "The ghost must have been happy!"

"Oh, he was!" Grandpa chuckled. "And the dragon? He realized that respecting his home made it even cozier and happier. He learned that being respectful isn’t scary, it makes everyone feel good!"

Evelyn snuggled closer to Grandpa. “Even dragons can learn to be respectful, right Grandpa?”

Grandpa kissed the top of her head. “Everyone can learn to be respectful, my little explorer. Even spooky dragons and brave little girls.”

Evelyn, feeling very brave and respectful, snuggled into Grandpa’s side, ready for a good night’s sleep in her own cozy and respectful home.

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