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Evelyn's Volcano Adventure!

Evelyn's Volcano Adventure!

"Look, Mom! I'm a bird!" Evelyn threw her arms out wide and spun around, giggling. Mom smiled, watching Evelyn twirl in their Seattle living room. "That's wonderful, sweetie! But birds also sing. What song will you sing?"

Evelyn stopped spinning and thought for a moment. "Hmm... I know! The volcano song!" She puffed out her cheeks and began to hum, her hands moving like bubbling lava.

"Volcano song? Where did you hear about volcanoes?" Mom asked.

Evelyn pointed at the TV. "That nice lady on TV was talking about a big, hot volcano! She said it was far, far away!"

Mom chuckled. "That sounds exciting! Maybe we can learn more about volcanoes together later."

Later that day, while Mom was reading a book, Evelyn decided to go on an adventure. "I'm going to find the volcano!" she whispered to herself. She grabbed her teddy bear, who she named "Fishy" because it reminded her of the ocean, and tiptoed out of the house.

Evelyn walked and walked, her little legs getting tired. Suddenly, she saw it! A big, red mountain with smoke coming out the top! "Wow!" she gasped. It was just like on TV! The ground near the volcano felt warm, like sunshine.

Evelyn carefully climbed up the side of the volcano. It was hard work for a three-year-old, but she was determined. "I'm almost there, Fishy!" she whispered to her teddy bear.

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At the top, Evelyn peeked inside. It was dark and a little scary, but also exciting. The ground rumbled beneath her feet, and she could hear a low, grumbling sound.

"Whoa," she whispered. Suddenly, a little bird flew out from the volcano, its feathers sparkling with heat.

"Hello!" Evelyn chirped, not afraid at all. The little bird tilted its head and sang a short, sweet song.

Evelyn giggled. "That's a funny song! Can you teach me?"

The little bird seemed to understand and sang the song again, slowly. Evelyn tried her best to sing along, flapping her arms like wings. Her heart felt warm and happy, even though the volcano was hot. She felt brave, like she could do anything!

Just then, Evelyn heard her name being called. It was Mom! She had been looking everywhere for Evelyn.

Mom was worried when she couldn't find Evelyn, but when she saw her at the top of the volcano, she was amazed! "Evelyn! How did you get up there? That's so brave!"

Evelyn beamed. She climbed down carefully, the little bird following close behind, singing its cheerful song. She told Mom all about her adventure and the new song she learned.

Mom gave Evelyn a big hug. "That sounds like an amazing adventure, sweetie. You were very brave to climb that volcano!"

Evelyn hugged Mom back, feeling proud. She learned that being brave didn't mean not being scared, but doing something even when you were a little afraid. And she knew, deep down, that she would always remember her adventure with the little bird and the volcano.

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