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Jackson's Bouncing Bunny!

Jackson's Bouncing Bunny!

"We're moving to a new house?" Jackson asked, his eyes wide. He was a brave boy, but change was always a little scary, even for a brave boy with robot arms!

Yuna, his fluffy pet rabbit, twitched her nose as if she understood. At 54 years old (in rabbit years, of course!), she had seen a lot of moving boxes. Yuna hopped onto Jackson's lap and snuggled into his arms. "Don't worry, Yuna," he whispered, stroking her soft fur. "It'll be an adventure!"

The next day, Jackson walked into his new school in Austin. Everything felt so big and different. He missed his old classroom with its comfy reading corner and the big oak tree in the playground.

"What's that?" a girl with bright eyes pointed at Jackson's backpack. It was bouncing up and down!

Jackson unzipped the backpack, and out hopped Yuna! She landed gracefully on the floor and did a little bunny dance. The other children gasped and giggled. They had never seen a rabbit at school before!

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"This is Yuna," Jackson said, feeling a little shy. "She likes adventures too!"

Yuna twitched her nose and hopped onto the teacher's desk. She sniffed at a stack of books, her nose wiggling furiously. Then, she did something amazing! With a flick of her fluffy tail, Yuna opened a book and began to read! Well, not really read with words, but she pointed at the pictures with her paw and made the funniest squeaking sounds, as if she was telling a story.

The children roared with laughter. Jackson, his heart filled with warmth, joined in. Yuna had a way of making new places feel like home.

From that day on, Yuna became the school's unofficial mascot. She hopped from classroom to classroom, entertaining everyone with her silly antics. During art class, she dipped her paws in paint and created abstract masterpieces. In music class, she thumped her foot to the beat of the drum.

Jackson wasn't so scared anymore. He made new friends who loved Yuna just as much as he did. They had adventures in the school library, building towering forts out of pillows and blankets. They explored the playground, pretending the swings were rockets blasting off to the Robot Planet, Jackson's favorite imaginary place.

Even though their house was new, Jackson realized that home wasn't just a place. It was wherever Yuna was, with her magical ability to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. And as they snuggled together on the couch that night, listening to their parents read a bedtime story, Jackson knew that no matter where they moved, with Yuna by his side, every day would be an adventure filled with laughter and love.

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