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Liam and the Clouds of Denver

Liam and the Clouds of Denver

Liam looked out the window. The sun was setting, making the clouds turn pink and lilac. "Wow!" he said. "Those clouds look like cotton candy!" Dad smiled. "They do, don't they? Maybe we can have some real cotton candy later." Liam was excited about moving to a new house. It was just down the street, but it felt like a whole new world!

As they drove, Liam kept looking at the sky. "Dad, do you think we could touch the clouds?" he asked. Dad chuckled. "Maybe we can fly up there someday," he said. "Wouldn't that be something?"

That night, Liam had a funny dream. He dreamed he was flying, soaring through the air like a bird. He flew higher and higher, right into the fluffy pink and lilac clouds! They felt soft and cool, like his favorite blanket. Suddenly, a giant, friendly face peeked out from behind a cloud. It had big, sparkly eyes and scales that shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. It was a dragon!

"Hello!" Liam said, not scared at all. "I'm Liam!" The dragon smiled, showing rows of pearly white teeth. "Welcome to the clouds, Liam! I'm Sparky. Do you like it here?" Liam giggled. "It's amazing!"

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Sparky the dragon took Liam on a ride through the clouds. They flew past giant marshmallows and hopped over sparkling rivers made of stardust. Liam had never had so much fun! Then, Sparky landed gently on a big, fluffy cloud that looked like a giant marshmallow.

"This is where I live," Sparky said. "It's always soft and cozy here." Liam looked around. "It's like a giant, comfy bed!" he said. Sparky laughed. "It is pretty comfy," he agreed. "But sometimes, I miss having someone to play with."

Liam knew just what he meant. He was a little sad about leaving his old house and his friends. "Maybe... maybe you could come live with me at my new house!" Liam said excitedly. "We could play every day!" Sparky's eyes widened. "Do you really think so?" he asked. "I've always wanted to see what houses look like from the ground!"

Liam nodded eagerly. "Yes! We're moving today! You can sleep in my room, and we can play with all my toys! I have a dinosaur you'll love!" Sparky smiled. "That sounds amazing, Liam!"

Just then, Liam's eyes opened. He was tucked in his bed, and sunlight was streaming through his window. He sat up and looked around. It had all been a dream! But it felt so real! He could almost still feel the clouds between his fingers. He hopped out of bed and raced to the window. He looked up at the sky. The clouds were white and fluffy now, but Liam couldn't help but smile. He knew that somewhere up there, his friend Sparky was waiting for him, ready for a new adventure.

"Liam, breakfast is ready!" Dad called from downstairs. Liam took one last look at the sky, then raced downstairs. He was excited to explore his new home and tell his dad all about his magical dream! Maybe, just maybe, dreams could come true.

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