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Liam and the Spooky Volcano

Liam and the Spooky Volcano

Liam loved dinosaurs! He had a big, red dinosaur that he took everywhere with him. Moving to a new house meant finding a new place for his dinosaur.

"Where should we put him, Jacob?" Liam asked his fluffy dog, Jacob. Jacob wagged his tail, happy to help. Liam put the dinosaur on a shelf. "Look, Jacob! He can see everything from up there!"

That night, Liam woke up to a strange sound. "Woo woo!" It seemed to be coming from outside. He peeked out his window and saw something amazing. A giant volcano had appeared in his backyard! It glowed orange and red under the moonlight.

Liam ran to tell Jacob. "Come on, boy! Let's explore!" Liam was a little scared, but mostly excited. The volcano rumbled again, "Woo woo!" It sounded like it was calling Liam's name!

Carefully, Liam and Jacob climbed the side of the volcano. It was steep and rocky, and hot steam puffed out from little holes. Liam held tight to Jacob's fur.

At the top, Liam peered inside. The volcano glowed bright red inside. "Wow!" Liam gasped. Suddenly, something moved in the lava below. A small, furry head popped up. It was a monkey! But this monkey was different. It was made of bright orange rocks, like the volcano itself.

The little rock monkey jumped onto the edge and smiled at Liam. It didn't look scary at all. It looked friendly!

"Hi, Liam," the monkey said. Liam's eyes widened in surprise. "How do you know my name?" he asked.

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"I know everything about this place," the monkey said, puffing out his chest. "I'm the Volcano Monkey! I help keep this volcano from erupting!" Liam thought that was very important work.

"But why does it make that 'woo woo' sound?" Liam asked.

The Volcano Monkey giggled. "It's lonely! It wants to make friends with the new house on the block." Liam realized it must have been lonely before, when his old house was here.

Liam thought for a moment. He knew just what to do. "I have an idea! We can be friends with the volcano! We can bring it things…like toys and snacks!"

The Volcano Monkey clapped. "That's a great idea, Liam!"

Liam and Jacob climbed down the volcano. Liam ran to his room and grabbed his red dinosaur. He knew it would love to be friends with the volcano.

Back at the top, Liam carefully lowered his dinosaur into the volcano. The volcano rumbled happily. Liam giggled. "You have a new friend now," Liam said. "And so do I!"

The Volcano Monkey smiled. "The volcano really likes your dinosaur, Liam! It says thank you for being its friend."

Liam hugged Jacob. He was happy that he made friends with the volcano. Moving to a new house wasn't so scary anymore, not with a friendly volcano in the backyard.

From then on, Liam visited the Volcano Monkey and the friendly volcano every night. They played games and told stories until Liam's mom called him in for bedtime. Liam knew he wasn't just moving to a new house, he was moving to a new adventure!

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