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Liam Flies to a Magic Cloud!

Liam Flies to a Magic Cloud!

Wow! Liam found a magic bean in his toy box! It was small and sparkly. He showed it to his pet turtle, Lily. "Look, Lily! I think this will make us fly!" Liam was only four years old, but he loved to fly around the house pretending to be a bird.

Suddenly, the bean started to glow! It floated up, taking Liam and Lily with it! They soared right out the window and up, up, up into the sky!

"Whoa!" Liam laughed. Everything looked tiny below. They landed on a big, fluffy cloud that smelled like cotton candy.

But it wasn't just any cloud. This cloud was bouncy, like a trampoline! Liam giggled as he bounced high. "Look, Lily, we're flying on a cloud!"

A friendly voice made Liam stop bouncing. "Welcome to my cloud, little one!" A kind magician with a long, white beard and a twinkly blue hat appeared. "I see you found my magic bean. This cloud is powered by good food, you know!"

Liam landed softly on the cloud. "Powered by good food?" he asked.

"That's right!" The magician smiled. "Just like you need good food to play and grow, my cloud needs it to fly!" He pulled out a plate of colorful fruits. "These berries are full of sunshine and make my cloud light and fluffy."

Liam took a bite of a bright red berry. It tasted sweet and juicy!

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"See," said the magician, "the food we eat gives us energy. That energy helps us do all sorts of things!"

Lily, who loved to munch on lettuce, nodded in agreement.

Liam looked around the cloud. He saw fields of colorful vegetables and fruits growing! Orange carrots, red tomatoes, and bunches of leafy green spinach.

"This is amazing!" Liam exclaimed. He had so much fun bouncing on the cloud and learning about healthy foods.

The magician chuckled. "It's important to eat your fruits, vegetables, and grains, Liam. They give you the power to fly high, just like my cloud!"

Liam knew he was right! He felt strong and full of energy after eating the delicious fruits.

After a while, it was time for Liam and Lily to go home. The magician gave Liam a handful of magic beans. "Plant these at home, and you can visit my cloud anytime!"

Liam and Lily held onto the beans as the cloud gently floated them back down to their house. They landed softly in Liam's room.

Liam told his parents all about his amazing adventure. He even ate all his broccoli at dinner that night! He knew that good food would give him the energy to have many more adventures, maybe even another trip to the magic cloud!

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