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Little Red Riding Hood with Ella

Little Red Riding Hood with Ella

Once upon a time, there was a child named Ella who lived with their mother in a little house in the mountains. The house was small, but it was cozy and full of warmth. The windows looked out at the snow-capped peaks, and every night, the stars twinkled brightly in the sky. Ella loved looking at the stars. They dreamed of being one someday, shining bright in the night.

Ella’s mom loved her, too. She made sure Ella had the best of everything. She even had a special red hood for her, one that their grandma had sewn just for them. It was bright red, and it looked so good on Ella with her brown eyes and curly brown hair. Everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood. They loved her!

One day, Ella’s mom asked them to go to their grandmother’s house in the next valley. "Grandma is feeling a bit sick, and she needs someone to take care of her," Ella’s mom said. "You can go by the road, Ella. It’s longer but safer. You know you’re a dreamer, and the forest can be a little scary."

Ella’s mom prepared a big basket full of food for Grandma. There were juicy apples, sweet cookies, and even a pot of soup. "This will help Grandma get better," her mom said. Ella promised her mother she would go and come back the next day. She wouldn't eat any of the food in the basket - she was saving it all for Grandma!

As soon as Little Red Riding Hood left the house, she met a wolf! He was big and had a mean look on his face. The wolf was evil, but he pretended to be nice. "Where are you going, little girl?" he asked. "I'm taking food to Grandma!" Ella answered. Then the wolf said goodbye and went on his way.

Little Red Riding Hood took the long road to Grandma’s house, but the wolf took the forest path! He wanted to get to Grandma’s house first, and he did. When he got there, he ate the old lady in one bite!

Then, when Ella arrived at Grandma’s house, the wolf was wearing Grandma's clothes! He pretended to be Grandma to trick Ella. “Come in, dear! I’m so glad you came,” he said in a raspy voice.

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Ella looked at the wolf disguised as Grandma. She was confused. "Grandma, why are your eyes so big?" she asked. "It's so I can see you better, dear," the wolf said, trying to sound like Grandma. "And Grandma, why is your nose so big?" Ella asked. "It's so I can smell you better, dear," he said. "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" Ella asked. The wolf couldn't hold back any longer! "It’s so I can eat you better!" he shouted and pounced on Ella!

Just then, a wise old woodsman who had magical powers was walking through the forest. He heard Ella in trouble! Before the wolf could eat Little Red Riding Hood, the woodsman came to the house. He saved the child.

The magical woodsman enchanted the wolf, making him tame and gentle. He put the wolf to sleep. “The wolf ate your grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood!” said the woodsman. "No, no!" cried Ella. "He ate Grandma!” The woodsman smiled. “Evil cannot defeat goodness,” he said. Then he waved his hands, and Grandma popped out of the wolf's belly! She was alive again!

Ella hugged her grandmother tightly. She then thanked the woodsman and gave him the delicious food from the basket that her mother had made.

That night, Ella, Grandma, and the magical woodsman ate the delicious food that Ella’s mother had made. They laughed and talked and were happy to be together.

And doesn’t this story make you hungry?

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