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Noah and the Cloud Dinosaur

Noah and the Cloud Dinosaur

Noah loved dinosaurs! He read about them in his books and drew pictures of them with his colorful crayons. He even pretended to be a stegosaurus sometimes, stomping around his room and munching on imaginary leaves.

Today was a special day because Noah was going to the doctor. His mom had promised to take him to the library afterward, and Noah was excited to borrow a book about - you guessed it - dinosaurs!

"Ready to go, Noah?" Mom asked, peeking into his room. She smiled, holding up a drawing of a bright green dinosaur. "Look what I made while you were getting dressed!"

"Wow, Mom! That's an awesome T-Rex!" Noah said, his eyes wide. "It looks so real!"

At the doctor's office, everything went smoothly. The doctor checked Noah's ears, his nose, and his tummy.

"You're one healthy dinosaur!" the doctor chuckled, giving Noah a sticker.

Finally, it was time for the library! As Noah and Mom walked in, something magical happened. The bookshelves started to shake, and the whole library began to float! Higher and higher they went, until they were surrounded by fluffy white clouds.

"We're in the clouds, Mom!" Noah exclaimed, giggling. He felt like he was bouncing on a giant marshmallow!

Suddenly, a giant, scaly head poked out from behind a cloud. It had big, friendly eyes and a long neck.

"Hello!" boomed the head. "Welcome to the Cloud Library! I'm Bronto, the book-loving brontosaurus!"

Noah was speechless. A real-life dinosaur! In the clouds! Could this day get any better?

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"We, uh, we came from that library down there," Mom said, pointing below.

Bronto leaned down, his long neck stretching out like a giant hose. "Oh, that's just the Cloud Library's reading room! We keep the really good books up here!"

Noah's jaw dropped. A library in the clouds, filled with even more books? This was a dream come true! He spent the rest of the afternoon with Bronto, reading about all sorts of dinosaurs he'd never even heard of before. He learned about tiny dinosaurs no bigger than chickens and enormous dinosaurs with long necks like Bronto.

He almost forgot all about his mom, who was busy chatting with a fluffy cloud-sheep about her drawings.

"Time to go, Noah!" Mom called out, waving.

"Aww, already?" Noah asked, pouting.

"Don't worry," Bronto said, chuckling. "The Cloud Library is always open! Just take a big jump next time you're at the library, and you'll float right up!"

Noah hugged Bronto's giant toe goodbye and hopped onto a passing cloud with his mom. They floated back down to the library, giggling the whole way.

As they walked home, hand-in-hand, Noah couldn't stop talking about his adventure in the clouds.

"You know, Mom," Noah said, "I think going to the doctor is my new favorite thing!"

Mom laughed. "Even more than dinosaurs?"

Noah thought for a moment. "Well, dinosaurs are still pretty awesome. But going to the doctor does lead to some pretty amazing adventures!"

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