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Olivia and the Energy Fruits

Olivia and the Energy Fruits

"Wow, Dad! This fruit salad is glowing!" Olivia exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise.

Dad chuckled. "It's not magic, Olivia," he said, "though it tastes magical! It's just the amazing energy from all these fruits."

Olivia, a curious six-year-old with a bright smile, always loved listening to her dad. He was only 31, but he knew so much about everything, especially cars! Today, though, he was teaching her about the importance of good food.

"Did you know," Dad continued, "that the food we eat gives us energy? Fruits and vegetables are like sunshine for our bodies! They help us play, learn, and even dream big!"

Later that day, Olivia was playing in her room when she noticed something strange. Her toy spaceship, the one Dad had given her for her birthday, was glowing too! It was faint, but definitely glowing. Curious, she placed her bowl of leftover fruit salad next to the spaceship. Suddenly, the spaceship whirred to life!

A holographic screen popped up, showing a friendly, smiling woman with a pointy hat. "Greetings from Planet Zest!" she said cheerfully. "I'm Willow, a Wellness Witch! Your healthy energy brought me to you."

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Olivia gasped. "A real witch?" she whispered.

Willow giggled. "Real as can be! We heard about Earth's delicious food and wanted to learn more. Your energy-packed fruit salad sent a signal all the way to our planet!"

Olivia was so excited! She learned that Willow and other Wellness Witches traveled the galaxy, teaching everyone about healthy eating. They used their magic to grow special energy fruits that tasted amazing and made people feel fantastic.

For days, Olivia and Willow had the best time! Willow used her magic to whip up incredible fruit platters that sparkled and shimmered. Olivia learned that different colored fruits had different kinds of energy. Red berries made you run faster, green grapes helped you think clearer, and purple plums made your dreams more colorful!

Dad was amazed too. He loved Willow's stories about the galaxy and was thrilled that Olivia was learning so much about healthy eating. He even started adding more fruits and veggies to his diet, which made Olivia beam with pride.

One day, Willow announced it was time for her to return to Planet Zest. "But don't worry," she said, handing Olivia a glowing seed, "plant this, and you'll always have a little bit of Zest magic with you."

Olivia hugged Willow goodbye and immediately planted the seed in her backyard. She knew that even though Willow was gone, the magic of healthy eating would always be with her, making her strong, happy, and full of energy!

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