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Scarlett's Gratitude Adventure!

Scarlett's Gratitude Adventure!

The sun peeked through the curtains, making the room all warm and bright. Scarlett giggled! It tickled her nose! Sophia the cat stretched her paws and rubbed her face against Scarlett. Time to start a brand new day!

"Good morning, Sophia!" Scarlett said. "Let's go to the playground! I hear there's something amazing there today."

Scarlett's mom helped her put on her shoes. "Remember to be grateful for all the fun you have, Scarlett," Mom said.

"I will, Mommy!" Scarlett promised. Being grateful was easy when you were going to the playground!

The playground was buzzing! Kids were swinging, sliding, and laughing. But something was different... there, right in the middle of the sandbox, was a giant, sparkly seashell!

"Wow!" Scarlett gasped. She loved seashells!

Suddenly, the seashell started to shake. It wobbled back and forth, then... POP! The top flew open, and out popped... a mermaid!

She had long blue hair decorated with seaweed and a sparkly tail that shimmered in the sun. "Hello!" she sang. "I'm Coral. Thank you for opening my shell. I was stuck!"

"A mermaid!" Scarlett whispered. "This is the best day ever!" She remembered what her mommy said. "Coral, I'm grateful you're not stuck anymore."

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Coral smiled. "Gratitude is a beautiful thing! It fills the world with joy. Do you want to hear my gratitude song?"

Scarlett nodded excitedly.

Coral's song was like the ocean- bubbly and swishy and full of happiness. When she finished, all the kids clapped.

"I wish I could give you something to show my gratitude," Scarlett said. "But I don't have anything."

Coral giggled, her tail splashing in the sandbox. "Oh, Scarlett, gratitude is the gift! Now, who wants to help me build a sandcastle?"

Everyone did!

Scarlett, Sophia, Coral, and all the kids built the biggest, shiniest sandcastle ever. They decorated it with seashells and pebbles, and Coral even made a little flag for it out of seaweed!

As the sun began to set, Coral gave everyone a big hug. "Thank you for the most wonderful day," she sang. "And thank you for showing me the magic of gratitude!"

Then, with a twirl of her tail, she dove back into her giant seashell and disappeared!

"Wow," Scarlett whispered. She couldn't believe she'd met a real mermaid! She felt so grateful—for the playground, for her new friend Coral, and for her amazing adventure!

Back at home, snuggled in her bed, Scarlett told Sophia all about the mermaid and the magic of gratitude. It was the best day ever, and she knew she would never forget it!

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