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Scarlett's Moon Bounce!

Scarlett's Moon Bounce!

"Look, Grandma! A dinosaur!" Scarlett pointed a chubby finger at the book.

"That's right, sweetie," Grandma chuckled, her glasses perched on her nose. "A big, green dinosaur! Do you think it bounced like you?"

Scarlett giggled, shaking her head. "No! Dinosaurs can't bounce! But I can!" She jumped up and down, her pigtails bouncing with her.

That night, Scarlett dreamt of bouncing. She bounced higher and higher, past the stars and right onto the moon! The ground was bumpy and white, like a giant cheese puff. And there, munching on a crater, was a giant, green dinosaur!

"Wow!" Scarlett gasped. The dinosaur looked up, surprised. He had bright, orange eyes and a smile full of pointy teeth.

"Hello!" Scarlett waved. "I'm Scarlett. I like to bounce. Do you like to bounce?"

The dinosaur shook his head. "Bouncing is hard," he mumbled. "I'm not very good at it."

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"I can teach you!" Scarlett offered. She showed him how to bend his knees and push off the ground. It was tricky with no gravity, but they kept trying. They laughed and tumbled, bouncing this way and that.

"Look at me!" the dinosaur finally yelled, bouncing a little bit off the ground. "I'm doing it!"

Scarlett clapped her hands. "You are! You're bouncing! You just have to keep trying!"

She woke up feeling happy and excited. She told Grandma all about her bouncing adventure.

"That sounds like you learned about resilience, Scarlett!" Grandma smiled.

"What's resilience?" Scarlett tilted her head.

"It's when you keep trying, even when things are hard," Grandma explained. "Just like you and the dinosaur on the moon!"

Scarlett smiled. She loved the sound of that word - resilience. It sounded like bouncing and stars and dinosaurs all rolled into one.

"I'm going to the library!" Scarlett declared, grabbing her favorite book about dinosaurs. She wanted to learn all about resilience and dinosaurs and maybe even find another bouncing adventure!

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