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Scarlett's Sparkling Smile

Scarlett's Sparkling Smile

The spaceship-shaped toothbrush zoomed back and forth! "Vroom! Vroom!" Scarlett giggled.

"That's great, Scarlett!" Dad said. "Keep brushing those teeth, they need to sparkle like the stars!"

Scarlett was two years old and loved her spaceship toothbrush. It even lit up! She knew brushing her teeth was important, just like going to her new school, the Lunar Academy! It was in a giant spaceship orbiting Earth!

Dad helped her put on her space suit, a tiny orange one just her size. It even had bunny ears on the helmet! Scarlett loved bunnies, especially fluffy white ones.

"Ready to blast off to school?" Dad asked.

Scarlett bounced on her toes. "Yes! School!"

They zoomed through the sky in Dad's flying car, passing fluffy white clouds that looked like giant cotton candy. Soon, the giant, shiny spaceship of Lunar Academy came into view.

The school was amazing! The classrooms had moon rocks and twinkling stars on the ceiling. Scarlett's classroom had a big, friendly robot teacher named Mr. Bleep. He taught them about planets and spaceships. Scarlett loved it!

But during playtime, Scarlett saw something even better than a spaceship - a real live bunny! It was hopping around the space garden, nibbling on moon carrots.

"Bunny!" Scarlett squealed, reaching out.

The bunny hopped closer, its nose twitching. It was even fluffier than she imagined!

"It's so soft," Scarlett whispered, petting its fur gently.

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Suddenly, Mr. Bleep beeped loudly. "Attention students! Time for tooth brushing!"

Scarlett frowned. She wanted to stay with the bunny!

Mr. Bleep rolled over, holding a tray of space-age toothbrushes. They shimmered with rainbow lights!

"These toothbrushes are powered by stardust," Mr. Bleep explained. "They make your teeth extra sparkly!"

Scarlett's eyes widened. A sparkly toothbrush? Now that was cool!

She grabbed a sparkly blue one and started brushing. The stardust tickled her teeth!

The bunny hopped closer, watching her with curious eyes.

"Look bunny," Scarlett said. "My teeth are sparkly like the stars!"

The bunny twitched its nose and hopped closer, as if to get a better look. Scarlett giggled.

After school, back in their flying car, Dad smiled. "How was your first day?"

"Amazing!" Scarlett said, showing him her sparkly teeth. "I made a bunny friend and used a stardust toothbrush!"

Dad chuckled. "Sounds out of this world!"

That night, back home in her spaceship-shaped bed, Scarlett dreamed of fluffy bunnies hopping on the moon, their teeth sparkling like stardust. She couldn't wait to go back to school and see her new friend again, especially after she brushed her teeth with her spaceship toothbrush, of course!

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