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Scarlett's Spooky Move

Scarlett's Spooky Move

Scarlett, with her big, bright eyes, loved to twirl! She was two years old and loved to pretend she was a ballerina. One day, her mom said, "Scarlett, guess what? We are moving to a new house!" Scarlett stopped twirling. A new house? What would a new house be like?

Later that day, Scarlett was playing with her toy cat in her secret hideout - the library! She loved books about animals, especially cats! Suddenly, a pink, fluffy cloud floated past the window. "Wow!" Scarlett whispered. The cloud opened up like a door, and a tiny voice called out, "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"

Curious, Scarlett climbed onto a big pile of books and peeked out the window. The tiny voice giggled, "Up here silly!" Scarlett looked up and saw a teeny, tiny person with sparkly wings fluttering in front of the cloud. "I'm Lily the Fairy," she said with a twinkle. "And this is the way to Clouds, a magical place where wishes come true!"

Scarlett's eyes widened. "Wow!" she whispered. "Can I come?" Lily nodded. "Of course! We need your help. See, lots of families are moving to new homes in San Jose, and they are a little bit scared. Can you help us make them feel brave?"

Scarlett loved helping! She grabbed her teddy bear, climbed onto the cloud with Lily, and up they went, into the fluffy pink and purple sky!

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Clouds was amazing! There were rivers made of ice cream, trees that sparkled like diamonds, and houses made of rainbows. Scarlett even saw a cat with butterfly wings! Lily took Scarlett to meet the Fairy Queen, who had a long, flowing white beard (even though she was a girl!). The Queen smiled at Scarlett. "We heard you are super smart! We need your help to make special welcoming gifts for the families moving to San Jose," she said.

Scarlett thought for a moment. "Hmm," she said. "How about we give them a map? A magical map that shows them all the best places in their new neighborhood?" The Fairy Queen clapped her hands. "That's a wonderful idea!"

Scarlett and the fairies spent the rest of the day making magical maps. Scarlett even got to sprinkle them with fairy dust! When it started to get dark, Lily took Scarlett back home on her cloud. Scarlett's mom was reading a book in the living room.

"Hi, Mommy!" Scarlett said. "We're moving to a new house. Will it be scary?"

Scarlett's mom smiled and hugged her tight. "It might feel a little bit scary at first," she said. "But remember, home is wherever we are together."

Later that night, while Scarlett was sleeping, she dreamed of fluffy pink clouds, sparkling fairies, and magical maps. Moving to a new house might be a little scary, but Scarlett knew, with the help of her fairy friends, it was going to be a wonderful adventure!

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