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Sleeping Beauty with James

Sleeping Beauty with James

This story begins a few years ago… Even before James was born… There was a celebration happening in the enchanted kingdom, the one that James knew how to reach through the path of dreams and imagination… But anyway, the story begins before that.

The kingdom was having a big party! They were celebrating the birth of Princess Aurora, the daughter of the king and queen. They had wanted a baby for many years and finally, the princess was here! Everyone was so happy.

Some fairies came to the party and gave the princess special gifts! One fairy gave her intelligence, another one gave her kindness, and another one gave her humility. They were all wonderful gifts! But one of the fairies wasn't very nice. She gave Princess Aurora a curse! The princess would prick her finger on a spindle when she became an adult and die.

Everyone in the kingdom was sad. They couldn't take away the gifts given by the fairies, but they were worried about the curse! But then, a very funny little fairy arrived late. She was so small and had sparkly wings. She flew in and giggled, “Don’t worry!” She waved her magic wand and said, “The princess will prick her finger, but she won't die! She will just fall asleep for a very long time until her true love kisses her.”

Years went by, and everyone in the kingdom was very careful! They made sure there were no spindles anywhere. They learned to sew with sticks and threads instead. The princess needed to be protected!

But when she was a teenager, the princess found a spindle! She had never seen one before, and it looked like it would be much easier to sew with! She picked it up, and as soon as she touched it, she pricked her finger. Just like the fairy said, she fell into a deep sleep, and the entire kingdom fell asleep with her!

It was at this moment that James entered the story! One day, James was playing in the library. He was a very shy boy, and he loved to sleep. His favorite place was the library because it was quiet and dark. And James had a superpower! He could be invisible whenever he wanted!

He was playing hide-and-seek with himself, and he was hiding behind a big bookshelf. He closed his eyes and whispered to himself, “I wish I could go on an adventure.” Then he heard a voice!

“Hey, you! Do you want to go on an adventure?”

James opened his eyes and saw a young man standing in front of him. He was tall and handsome, with kind eyes. He was wearing a sparkly blue coat and a crown.

The young man smiled. “My name is Prince Thomas, and I’m here to tell you about Princess Aurora, a beautiful princess from a magical kingdom. She’s asleep, and I need your help to wake her up!”

James was surprised. He had never met a prince before! He was very shy, but he also loved adventures, especially in enchanted kingdoms.

“I...I can’t see you,” he said. “You’re invisible.”

Prince Thomas laughed. “That’s because I’m a prince from another kingdom, and I have special powers too! I can see you even though you’re invisible. Now, are you coming with me? We need to go to the castle!”

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James loved the sound of adventure. He thought about it for a moment and said, “Yes! I’ll go with you!”

Prince Thomas smiled, and he took James’ hand. “Follow me!”

They ran out of the library and into the forest. The forest was magical and full of wonder! It was so big that it even reached the enchanted kingdom of Princess Aurora. James held onto the prince’s hand, and they walked through the forest for a long time.

When they finally reached the castle, it was covered in leaves! A huge forest had grown around it over the years that had passed. The castle looked old and mysterious.

Prince Thomas whispered to James, “We need to reach the tower where Princess Aurora sleeps. Let’s sneak through the forest and get to the castle.”

They began to walk through the forest, but it was very dangerous! The flowers sprouted thorns out of nowhere. The tree trunks moved and blocked their paths. There were monstrous creatures that the prince and James had to battle!

But James was invisible! He could see the dangers before they saw him, and he warned the prince. They were able to escape all the dangers because of James' invisibility!

Finally, they reached the castle. They snuck inside and went up the tower. They found Princess Aurora sleeping in a big bed.

Prince Thomas leaned over and kissed Princess Aurora's lips.

And as if by magic, she awoke! Princess Aurora was happy to see Prince Thomas, and she was so happy to see James! The entire kingdom woke up with her.

Slowly, the forest around the castle began to disappear. And everything became bright and enchanted once again!

Princess Aurora, who was very happy to have found her true love, smiled at James. “Thank you for helping me, James!” she said. “You saved me and the entire kingdom!”

She invited James to play in the castle whenever he wanted. She told him she also loved to sleep. James was so happy! He promised Princess Aurora that he would come visit whenever his imagination wandered to the enchanted kingdom.

And on that day, James knew they would live happily ever after!

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