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Sophia and the Backyard Unicorns

Sophia and the Backyard Unicorns

Sophia zoomed around the backyard, her arms outstretched like a spaceship. "Whoosh! I'm going to the moon!" she cried.

Dad chuckled, watching her from the porch swing. "Remember to pack your space snacks, astronaut Sophia! You need lots of energy for a trip to the moon."

Sophia skidded to a halt. "You're right, Dad! What should I bring?"

"How about some of those yummy strawberries we picked this morning?" Dad suggested. "Fruits and vegetables are like rocket fuel for your body!"

Sophia's eyes widened. "Really? Do they make you fly super fast?"

Dad laughed. "Maybe not super fast, but they give you the energy to run and play all day! It's like magic, but instead of spells, it's called nutrition."

"Nutrition..." Sophia repeated, tasting the word. She plucked a juicy red strawberry from the basket on the table and popped it in her mouth. "Mmm, rocket fuel!"

As she chewed, a shimmer of rainbow light caught her eye. Behind the old oak tree, something sparkled. It looked like... a white horse with a golden horn!

"Dad, look!" Sophia whispered, pointing.

Dad squinted. "What is it, sweetie?"

"A unicorn!" she breathed. "A real, live unicorn!"

The unicorn walked into the sunlight. It was even more beautiful than Sophia imagined, with a coat as white as snow and a horn that glimmered with every color of the rainbow.

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"Wow," Dad whispered, just as amazed as Sophia.

The unicorn dipped its head gracefully, then touched its horn to the ground. A circle of bright light spread out, and suddenly, the backyard was filled with more unicorns! They were all different colors, from sunny yellow to deep indigo, and their horns shimmered like prisms.

One of the unicorns, a playful-looking one with a sky-blue mane, trotted up to Sophia and nudged her hand. It made a soft, chiming sound.

"He likes you!" Dad exclaimed.

Sophia tentatively reached out and stroked the unicorn's smooth neck. "He's so soft!"

The blue unicorn nudged her again, then trotted over to a patch of brightly colored flowers. He began nibbling on the petals.

"I think he wants you to follow him," Dad said.

Sophia and Dad followed the unicorn deeper into the backyard. They passed by rows of vegetables, their leaves glistening in the sun. The air smelled sweet, like honeysuckle and freshly cut grass.

Finally, they reached a clearing bathed in golden sunlight. All around them, unicorns grazed peacefully, munching on fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

"They eat healthy food, just like me!" Sophia exclaimed.

Dad nodded. "It seems even magical creatures need good nutrition to stay strong and healthy."

The blue unicorn looked up and winked at Sophia, a mischievous glint in his eye. Then, he reared up on his hind legs and let out a joyous whinny. The other unicorns joined in, their calls echoing through the backyard.

Sophia laughed, her heart filled with wonder. She learned that day that healthy food wasn't just rocket fuel, it was magic! And sometimes, if you're lucky, it might even lead you to a backyard full of unicorns.

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