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Sophia's Big Responsibility

Sophia's Big Responsibility

The air smelled like sunshine and pancakes! Sophia knew what that meant: Grandma was making breakfast! She hopped out of bed and raced downstairs, her feet barely touching the steps.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Grandma said, flipping a pancake in the air. "Ready for your favorite breakfast?"

"Pancakes! Pancakes!" Sophia giggled, her little hands clapping.

After breakfast, Grandma said, "Sophia, I have a very important job for you today." Sophia's eyes widened. A job just for her? That sounded exciting!

"What is it, Grandma?" Sophia asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Grandma smiled. "I need you to help me take care of our new houseguest."

Sophia’s jaw dropped. A houseguest? Who could it be? Maybe a funny clown? Or a talking parrot? She loved parrots!

Just then, a small, furry head peeked out from behind Grandma's legs. It was a puppy! A tiny, adorable puppy with big brown eyes and floppy ears.

Sophia gasped. "A puppy! We have a puppy?"

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"Yes, we're taking care of him for a friend," Grandma explained. "His name is Sparky. Now, remember what I told you about responsibility?"

Sophia nodded. Responsibility meant taking care of things, like brushing her teeth and putting her toys away.

"Taking care of Sparky is a big responsibility," Grandma said. "We need to feed him, give him water, and take him for walks."

Sophia puffed out her chest. "I can be responsible!" she declared.

And she was! Sophia filled Sparky's water bowl and carefully placed it on the floor. She threw his favorite squeaky toy and giggled as he chased after it, his little tail wagging furiously.

Taking Sparky for a walk was an adventure! He wanted to sniff every tree, chase every butterfly, and say hello to every person they passed. Sophia held onto the leash tightly, making sure Sparky stayed safe.

Later that day, Sophia snuggled on the couch with Sparky, reading him a story about a brave knight and a friendly dragon. Sparky rested his head on her lap, his big brown eyes glued to the pictures.

"You're doing a great job, Sophia," Grandma said, smiling. "You're a very responsible girl."

Sophia beamed with pride. Taking care of Sparky wasn't just a job, it was fun! She loved playing with him, feeding him, and making sure he was happy. It felt good to be responsible.

As Sophia drifted off to sleep that night, she knew this was just the beginning of many adventures with Sparky. She couldn't wait to learn more about being responsible and taking care of her new furry friend. Having Sparky around made her home even cozier, and she knew he was already part of their little family.

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