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The Case of the Missing Feathers

The Case of the Missing Feathers

One morning, William woke up to a very strange sound. It was a sort of chirping, but not like the birds he usually heard outside his window in Chicago. This chirping was loud and a little bit scared! William, being a sporty and friendly four-year-old, decided to investigate. He tiptoed to the window, Sophia his fluffy dog wagging her tail behind him.

“What’s that noise, Sophia?” William whispered, but Sophia just tilted her head and barked softly. The chirping grew louder. William peeked out the window and gasped.

There, perched on the windowsill, was a little bird, its red feathers all ruffled up. “Help me!” chirped the bird. “I need to get to the Erupting Volcano, but I’ve lost some of my feathers and can’t fly!”

William had never heard of an Erupting Volcano, but he knew he had to help. “Don’t worry, little bird,” he said, his voice strong like someone much older. “We’ll find your feathers!”

Sophia barked in agreement, always ready to help people, or in this case, a bird! William looked closely at the little bird. “You’re very small to be flying so far,” William said. “Where did you come from?”

“I’m going to visit my grandma!” chirped the bird. “She lives all the way at the Erupting Volcano! It’s a very special place, very hot and very cold at the same time, with bright red lava! I go there every year to see her.”

William knew that growing up meant helping others, and this little bird needed his help. “Come on, Sophia,” he said, “let’s find those feathers!”

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William and Sophia searched all around the house. They looked under furniture, behind curtains, and even in the toy box, but no feathers. Finally, Sophia, full of energy as always, started sniffing excitedly at the front door.

“You think the feathers are outside, Sophia?” William asked. Sophia barked and wagged her tail, her way of saying “Yes!”

They stepped out into the sunshine. Everything felt new and exciting to William, like a whole world to explore. That’s what growing up felt like! William smiled. He was ready for an adventure.

Following Sophia’s keen nose, they reached the park. There, near the swings, they found a small pile of bright red feathers!

“Look, Sophia, the bird’s feathers!” William carefully gathered them up. The little bird, who had been anxiously watching from the window, chirped with joy.

“You found them! You found them!” the little bird sang, swooping down to perch on William’s shoulder. “Now I can fly to the Erupting Volcano!”

William carefully attached the feathers back onto the bird’s wings. “There you go, little bird,” he said. “Now you can see your grandma.”

The little bird flapped its wings, the bright red feathers gleaming in the sunlight. “Thank you, William! Thank you, Sophia! You helped me grow up a little today. Now I’m a bigger bird because I learned to ask for help when I’m lost!” And with a cheerful chirp, the little bird soared into the sky, off on a new adventure to the Erupting Volcano.

William, watching the little bird disappear, understood. Growing up wasn’t just about getting bigger; it was about helping others and learning new things every day. And with his best friend Sophia by his side, William knew he was ready for all the adventures that growing up would bring.

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