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The Dragon of Confidence

The Dragon of Confidence

Deep in the Whispering Woods, a tiny fairy whispered, "The one with the heart of a dragon will find the truest confidence." William, a sporty four-year-old who loved birds and monsters, didn't know about the fairy, but he was about to find out all about confidence.

"Mom, can we go to the park today?" William asked, his eyes wide with hope.

"Of course, sweetie!" his mom, a friendly artist with a heart as warm as sunshine, answered. She loved drawing pictures for William, especially ones with his favorite things: birds and monsters.

At the park, sunshine dappled through the leaves as William zoomed around the playground. He loved the park! So many trees to climb, so much grass to run on, and best of all, so many new friends to meet! But today, William felt a little shy. He wanted to join the other children playing tag, but he felt unsure.

Suddenly, a big, friendly dragon with emerald scales and wings like rainbows landed right in front of him! "Hello!" boomed the dragon, his voice as gentle as the wind chimes on William's porch back in San Jose. "I'm Spark. Why the glum face?"

William, usually fearless around monsters, took a step back. "I want to play, but I'm scared," he admitted.

Spark chuckled, a sound like crackling leaves. "Ah, fear! It can feel like a fire-breathing monster sometimes. But you, little one, you have something even stronger: the heart of a dragon!"

William's eyes widened. "I do?"

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"Confidence," Spark explained, "comes from believing in yourself, just like you believe in your favorite monster stories. Take a deep breath, flap your wings of courage, and ROAR!"

William took a deep breath and, remembering how brave the monsters in his books were, shouted, "Can I play too?"

The other children stopped and stared. Then, a little girl with bright red boots smiled. "Of course! You can be 'it' first!"

As William zoomed around, tagging his new friends, he felt a warm feeling inside. It felt, he realized, just like when he roared like a dragon. He was brave, he was strong, and he believed in himself.

When it was time to go, William hugged Spark goodbye. "Thank you," he whispered, "I feel like I can do anything!"

Spark winked. "You already are, little dragon. Never forget to roar!"

Walking home, hand-in-hand with his mom, William told her all about Spark and the magical word: confidence. "And guess what, Mom?" he said, his eyes shining, "I have the heart of a dragon!"

His mom smiled, her eyes as bright as the stars starting to peek out in the twilight sky. "I always knew you did, my brave boy."

That night, snuggled in bed with his favorite monster book, William knew he wasn't just pretending to be brave anymore. He carried the heart of a dragon inside him, a heart full of confidence, ready to roar whenever he needed it. And that, he knew, made all the difference.

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