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The Great Unicorn Mystery

The Great Unicorn Mystery

"I wonder if unicorns like moving?" Noah asked, looking at all the boxes stacked high in the living room.

His grandpa, sitting on a box labeled "KITCHEN STUFF," chuckled. "Well, Noah, unicorns are pretty magical. I bet they'd think moving is an adventure!"

Noah loved unicorns. He loved their sparkly horns and their rainbow manes. "Maybe," Noah said, "but I bet even unicorns get a little scared to go to a new place."

Grandpa winked. "You know what chases away moving-day scares?"

Noah shook his head.

"Unicorns!" Grandpa booped Noah's nose. "Go play in the backyard. I bet you'll find a unicorn hiding there."

Noah giggled. He knew unicorns weren't real, but he loved pretending. He raced outside to the backyard. It was big and green, with a giant oak tree in the middle. Noah loved climbing trees, almost as much as he loved animals and birds. In fact, Noah wished he could run as fast as a cheetah! Maybe he could outrun his fear of moving that way. But for now, he had a unicorn to find.

He looked behind the bushes. "Nope, no unicorns here." He peeked under the patio furniture. "Hmm, not under here either."

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Suddenly, Jacob, his chubby, furry dog, came bounding over, his tail wagging so hard it looked like it might fall off! Jacob was Noah's best friend, even though Jacob was 54 years old in dog years – that's super old!

"Jacob, did you see any unicorns?" Noah asked. Jacob barked and licked Noah's face.

"You're right, Jacob," Noah giggled, "unicorns love treats!" Noah ran inside and grabbed a handful of dog biscuits. He knew unicorns probably wouldn’t like dog biscuits, but Jacob sure did!

He threw the biscuits one by one. Jacob, with surprising speed for an old dog, gobbled them up. Noah threw the last biscuit towards the old oak tree. Jacob zoomed after it, then stopped short, barking like crazy.

“What is it, boy?” Noah ran over. At the base of the oak tree, something shimmered. It was a tiny, sparkly horn, sticking out from behind the trunk! Noah gasped.

Slowly, a creature emerged. It was a small, fluffy…goat? It had a little white coat and the sparkliest, curliest horn Noah had ever seen.

"Are you…a baby unicorn?" Noah whispered. The little goat just stared at him with big brown eyes.

Then, it sneezed. And the "horn" fell off, revealing a pinecone stuck on its forehead.

Noah and Jacob burst out laughing. Noah realized his Grandpa was right. He didn’t need to find a real unicorn. Just imagining one was enough to chase away his moving-day jitters! He knew no matter where he lived, his imagination, his family, and his silly dog Jacob would always be with him. And that was pretty magical indeed.

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