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The Magical Playground

The Magical Playground

Scarlett loved to clap her hands! Today, she clapped them at Lily, her funny cat. Lily liked to rub on Scarlett's legs. "Let's go to the playground, Lily!" Scarlett said. She was a very smart girl.

The playground was colorful and bright! There was a slide and a swing set. Scarlett saw a big blue slide. "Whee!" she shouted as she went down.

Then, Scarlett saw a funny man with a tall hat. He had a long white beard and sparkly stars on his shoes. "Are you a magician?" Scarlett asked.

"Yes, I am!" the man boomed. "And this is no ordinary playground. It's a *magical* playground!"

The magician wiggled his fingers and pointed to the swingset. It started to fly! Scarlett giggled. The magician explained that magic is like being resilient. He said, "Sometimes, things change, but we can still have fun!" The swingset came back down, and Scarlett got on. She kicked her feet high.

Lily chased after a butterfly! "Look!" Scarlett shouted. The butterfly landed on the magician's hat. It flapped its wings and flew up, sprinkling colorful dust everywhere.

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The dust landed on the sandbox. Suddenly, the sand turned into yummy cookies! "Wow!" Scarlett said. She took a bite. "Mmm, chocolate chip!"

Scarlett felt brave. She asked the magician, "Can you teach me a magic trick?"

The magician laughed. "Of course! Close your eyes and think of something you love."

Scarlett thought of dancing. When she opened her eyes, she was wearing a sparkly tutu, just like a ballerina! She twirled and twirled.

Then, it was time to go home. Scarlett hugged the magician goodbye. "Thank you for showing me the magic of resilience!"

At home, Scarlett told her family all about the magical playground. "I learned that even when things change, I can still have fun!" she said.

Scarlett knew she would never forget the magical playground and the wise magician. And she knew that even though things change, she could always find a way to be happy and brave, just like she learned on that special day.

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