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The Moon's Missing Stars!

The Moon's Missing Stars!

Wow! Look, Dad, a shooting star! Evelyn pointed excitedly as a streak of light zipped across the night sky. Dad smiled, "Make a wish, Evelyn!"

Evelyn squeezed her eyes shut tight. She wished she could follow the shooting star all the way to the moon. Suddenly, the whole backyard lit up! A beam of sparkly light was pointing right at Evelyn.

"Whoa!" Dad exclaimed. Before Evelyn could say a word, the light gently lifted her and Dad high into the air. They floated up, up, up, past the clouds and into the dark, starry sky.

"We're going to the moon, Evelyn!" Dad shouted, holding on to his hat. Evelyn giggled. It tickled to fly without wings!

The moon was bright white and covered in craters. It felt like bouncing on a giant trampoline when they landed. "Look, no gravity!" Dad said, floating a little off the ground.

But Evelyn noticed something else. "Dad, where are all the stars?" She looked up at the sky. It was dark and empty.

"That is strange," Dad agreed. "Let's explore!"

They bounced across the moon, past giant rocks and craters. Evelyn, with her amazing diving skills, pretended she was swimming through the air. They looked everywhere, but there were no stars to be found.

Then, they heard a little chirp. Perched on a rock was a tiny bird with bright blue feathers. "Excuse me," Dad said to the little bird, "have you seen any stars around here? They seem to be missing!"

The little bird chirped sadly. "Someone took them! They said the stars were too messy and needed to be organized."

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"Organized?" Evelyn asked. "But stars aren't meant to be organized. They're meant to twinkle and shine wherever they want!"

The little bird nodded. "That's what I told them! But they put all the stars in boxes and flew away."

"Don't worry, little bird," Evelyn said. "We'll find the stars and put them back!"

Evelyn remembered how much her dad loved organizing things. Maybe he could help! "Dad, do you think you could organize the stars... back into the sky?"

Dad chuckled. "Well, I do love organizing things! But I think the stars look much better twinkling freely in the sky."

Evelyn and Dad followed the little bird as it led them through a maze of moon craters. They came to a large, flat rock where several cardboard boxes lay scattered around.

Evelyn peeked inside a box. It was full of shimmering stars! "Look, Dad, they even organized them by color!" Evelyn giggled.

Carefully, they opened all the boxes. One by one, the stars floated out, blinking back to life in the dark sky. They zipped and zoomed until every last star twinkled happily above them.

The little bird chirped with joy, its song echoing through the moon craters. "Thank you for helping the stars shine again!"

As quickly as they arrived, the beam of light returned, gently taking Evelyn and Dad back home.

Back in their backyard, Evelyn snuggled up with Dad to watch the stars twinkle above their house. Now, every time Evelyn saw a shooting star, she knew it was just a playful star escaping its box, reminding everyone that sometimes, the best things in life are a little bit messy!

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