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The Mystery of the Missing Mango

The Mystery of the Missing Mango

"Look, Sophia!" Evelyn pointed a chubby finger at a picture in her book. "A mango tree!"

Sophia, Evelyn's furry teddy bear and best friend since forever, tilted her head. "But Evelyn, mangoes don't grow in Denver. We're moving to a sunny island with mango trees!"

Evelyn loved the idea of moving. A new house! New adventures! But most of all, a new place to explore. Her mommy said their new home was on a deserted island, a small and secret place. Evelyn imagined crystal blue water and trees full of juicy mangoes.

On the day of the move, Evelyn clutched Sophia tight. The plane ride was exciting! She looked out the window, searching for the island.

Finally, they landed. Evelyn's new home was a small, cozy cottage just a hop and a skip from the beach. Palm trees swayed in the breeze, and the air smelled salty and sweet. But something was missing...

"Sophia," Evelyn whispered, "Where are all the mango trees?"

They searched the beach, peeked behind bushes, and even asked a friendly crab, but no mango trees! Disappointed, Evelyn plopped down on the sand.

Suddenly, a flash of color caught her eye. A tiny, sparkling scale lay half-buried in the sand. It was red and gold, like fire!

"Sophia, look!" Evelyn gasped. "Do you think...?"

Sophia nodded, her button eyes wide. "A dragon, Evelyn! Maybe it knows where the mangoes are!"

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Following the trail of shimmering scales, Evelyn and Sophia ventured deeper into the island. The air grew warmer, and a faint smell of smoke tickled their noses. Finally, they reached a clearing. In the center, a magnificent dragon lay sleeping, its scales glinting in the sun.

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn crept closer. The dragon was enormous, bigger than her house! She gently poked its tail.

The dragon's eyes snapped open, glowing like hot coals. It let out a puff of smoke, not fire, thankfully! Evelyn, though a little scared, stood her ground.

"Excuse me, Mr. Dragon," she said politely. "Have you seen the mango trees? We can't find them anywhere."

The dragon blinked, surprised by the tiny human. It rumbled a laugh, deep in its chest, that sounded like rolling thunder.

"Little one," the dragon boomed, "You're standing right under them!"

Evelyn gasped. It was true! She hadn't noticed the enormous tree she was under, its branches laden with ripe, juicy mangoes.

The dragon chuckled again. "I may have borrowed a few for a snack," he admitted, pointing to a pile of mango pits with his snout.

Evelyn giggled. This dragon was friendly, just like Sophia! They spent the rest of the afternoon playing hide and seek amongst the mango trees. The dragon even let Evelyn ride on his back, soaring high above the island.

As the sun began to set, Evelyn knew it was time to go home. She hugged the dragon goodbye, promising to visit again soon.

Back at the cottage, Evelyn snuggled into bed with Sophia. Even though the island was deserted, she didn't feel alone. She had a new friend, a magical dragon, and a whole island of adventures waiting to be discovered. And, of course, plenty of juicy mangoes!

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