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The Mystery of the Missing Mangoes

The Mystery of the Missing Mangoes

Jacob the parrot squawked excitedly, "Adventure! Adventure!" William, a friendly four-year-old who loved birds and monsters, giggled. "I know, Jacob! We're going to find the best mangoes ever on that deserted island!"

Their boat bobbed towards the island. The water was crystal clear, and they could see colorful fish swimming around. When they reached the sandy beach, William saw something amazing! A giant footprint, bigger than his daddy's car! "Wow!" William gasped. "What made that?"

Jacob ruffled his feathers. "Maybe it was a dinosaur!"

William's eyes widened. "A real dinosaur? Do you think it likes mangoes?"

They followed the footprints deeper into the island's small forest, the leaves crunching under their feet. Soon, they found a whole grove of mango trees, their branches heavy with juicy fruit. But something was wrong. All the biggest, ripest mangoes were gone!

"That's strange," William said, scratching his head. "Who would take all the best mangoes?"

Jacob flew to a low branch. "Look!" he squawked, pointing with his wing. A trail of mango pits and peels led further into the forest. "Clues!"

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Following the trail, they found more giant footprints and even bigger piles of mango pits. Finally, they came to a clearing. And there, munching on a mango bigger than William's head, was a … baby dinosaur!

The dinosaur was small, green, and had big, sad eyes. It looked at William and Jacob and whimpered.

"Aw, he's just a baby," William said. "He must have been so hungry."

Jacob landed on the dinosaur's head. "He probably couldn't reach the other mangoes."

William knew what he had to do. It was his responsibility to help others, even if they were dinosaurs who loved mangoes! He used his super strength to reach up and pluck the ripest mangoes from the highest branches. He piled them up in front of the baby dinosaur, who chirped happily and started to eat.

"See, Jacob," William said, "Being responsible feels good!"

Jacob nodded. "And helping others is always an adventure!"

The baby dinosaur, its tummy full, nuzzled against William's leg. William knew he had made a new friend. As the sun began to set, they climbed back into the boat, waving goodbye to the happy dinosaur. William knew he’d be back tomorrow with more mangoes. After all, being responsible meant looking after his new friend, even if it was a mango-loving baby dinosaur!

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