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The Mystery of the Rainbow Volcano

The Mystery of the Rainbow Volcano

"Look out!" Jackson yelled, his robot arms whirring as he pushed a giant, glowing mushroom aside. It toppled over with a soft thud, revealing a secret tunnel that shimmered with rainbow light. "Whoa," Jackson breathed. It was so bright!

"What is it, Jackson?" Dad asked, carefully stepping around a bubbling pool of lava. They were exploring a hidden cave beneath San Antonio, one Dad had read about in an old book. The book said it was full of adventure, and boy, was it ever!

"I think it's a secret passage!" Jackson exclaimed. He loved secrets. "Can we go in, Dad? Please?" He knew Dad worried about him sometimes, but Jackson was brave. Plus, he had his trusty robot arms!

Dad smiled. "Okay, but stay close. And hold my hand."

The tunnel led them deeper and deeper until the air grew hot and smelled faintly of...strawberries? Suddenly, the tunnel opened into a gigantic cavern. In the center, a volcano rumbled, spewing not fire and smoke, but dazzling rainbows of light! Jackson gasped.

"Wow," Dad said, and Jackson knew even he was impressed.

But something was different about this volcano. Around its base, instead of scorched earth, a field of colorful fruits and vegetables flourished. Giant strawberries glowed like lanterns, carrots shimmered like gold, and plump blueberries glittered like sapphires. Jackson had never seen anything like it!

"Look, Dad! It's like a healthy snack rainbow!" Jackson said, remembering what his teacher had said about fruits and vegetables giving him energy.

As if in answer, a gentle whinny echoed through the cavern. From behind a giant pumpkin, a creature stepped into the light. It was a horse, but not just any horse. This one was pure white, with a single, spiraling horn in the middle of its forehead that glimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

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"A unicorn!" Jackson and Dad whispered together.

The unicorn dipped its head and touched its horn to a bright red apple. The apple glowed, then floated up and hovered in front of Jackson.

"It wants you to eat it," Dad said.

Jackson was a little nervous, but he knew unicorns were good and kind. He took a bite. It was the sweetest, juiciest apple he’d ever tasted!

As he ate, the unicorn touched its horn to different fruits and vegetables, each one glowing before floating towards Jackson and his dad. They ate juicy oranges, crunchy carrots, and sweet blueberries, each bite filling them with energy.

"These are the best fruits and vegetables I've ever tasted!" Jackson exclaimed, feeling stronger with every bite. He understood now why they called it a healthy snack rainbow!

The unicorn whinnied again, and with a flick of its tail, indicated the tunnel they’d come through. It was time to go.

"Thank you, Mr. Unicorn!" Jackson called, waving goodbye. He felt stronger and healthier than ever. He knew that from now on, he would always remember the importance of eating his fruits and vegetables, especially after his adventure on the rainbow volcano.

Back in the cool, familiar air of the cave, Dad smiled at him. "That was amazing, Jackson! I told you this cave was full of adventure!"

Jackson nodded, his robot arm whirring softly as he led the way back to the entrance, his heart full of wonder and his tummy full of delicious, healthy snacks. He knew he would never forget this adventure, and he couldn't wait to tell everyone about the amazing rainbow volcano and the magical unicorn!

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