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The Sparkling Chores of San Diego Park

The Sparkling Chores of San Diego Park

Wow! Look at that sparkly thing! Scarlett pointed at a bright speck in the distance. She was at the park with her Dad, who was pushing her gently on the swings. "Up high! Up high!" Scarlett giggled as Dad pushed her higher and higher.

After the swings, Dad lifted Scarlett out of her swing and said, "What do you see, little one?" He followed her tiny finger to see what had caught her eye. "Hmm, I don't know! Let's go see!"

Scarlett took her Dad's hand, and they walked towards the sparkly thing. As they got closer, it looked bigger and bigger! Finally, they were standing right in front of it. It was a giant, sparkly, purple and blue bottle! It had a note on it that said "To whoever finds this bottle - a magical surprise awaits inside!"

Dad carefully opened the bottle. Poof! A puff of sparkly purple smoke flew out, and when the smoke cleared, a little witch stood before them. She had on a tall, pointy hat and a bright, twinkly dress.

“Hello!” chirped the little witch. “My name is Willow. Thank you for finding my magic bottle! I need your help to finish a very important job here in San Diego Park.”

Scarlett and her dad were surprised but excited! "What kind of job?" Dad asked.

"Well," said Willow, "I'm in charge of making all the chores in San Diego Park fun! But I’ve lost my magic wand! Without it, the chores are just chores. Can you help me find it?"

Scarlett and Dad agreed to help. Willow told them to look for a little, sparkly ladybug. "My wand is never far from my little ladybug friend," Willow explained.

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Scarlett and Dad looked all over the park. They looked under the slides and behind the trees. Scarlett even checked inside her favorite red bucket, but the sparkly ladybug was nowhere to be found.

Finally, Scarlett had an idea! She remembered seeing something sparkly in the sandbox earlier. “Daddy, the sandbox!” she exclaimed.

They raced over to the sandbox and dug through the sand. And there it was! A tiny, sparkly ladybug was nestled in the warm sand!

Willow was so happy to see her ladybug friend! She gave it a big hug. Then, the ladybug spread its tiny wings, and there, underneath, was Willow’s sparkly wand!

Willow waved her wand and said, “Thank you for finding my wand! Now I can finish making the park chores fun!”

Suddenly, the trash cans started singing, the leaves danced into neat piles, and the water fountains sprayed sparkling water that tickled your nose when you drank from them! Everything looked fun and exciting!

"Wow!" exclaimed Scarlett. She was so happy they could help Willow.

Willow gave them both a big hug goodbye, then poofed away in another puff of purple smoke. Scarlett and Dad continued to play in the park, amazed by all the fun new ways to do chores. Scarlett even helped Dad put their trash in the singing trash can!

As the sun began to set, Dad took Scarlett’s hand and said, “Time to go home, little one.”

Scarlett was a little sad to leave the magical park, but she knew she had helped make it a more fun place for everyone. And that made her very happy.

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