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The Three Little Pigs with Ella

The Three Little Pigs with Ella

Once upon a time, there was a curious and adventurous child named Ella. Ella loved to go on walks, especially when she could look up at the stars and dream. Today, Ella was walking through a forest, looking for bugs and butterflies. She was watching a trail of ants when she heard some voices.

“What’s that?” Ella wondered.

Ella’s eyes widened with excitement. She peeked through the tall trees. She had to see what was happening! Ella’s dreamer personality always wanted to know what was going on.

There, in the middle of the forest, were three little piglets! They were all very different. One had pink curly hair and a tiny, pink nose. The second piglet was wearing a funny hat and had a cute, pink bow tied around her neck. The third one was a little taller and had bright, blue eyes.

“Hello!” the piglets called out. “Do you live in a house?”

Ella was confused. “Of course, I live in a house! I live in Houston with my family. It’s a cozy home.”

“Well, we just left our mother’s house,” said the smallest piglet. “We’ve grown up! Our mother told us to build our own houses because the forest is dangerous. There’s a big, bad wolf that loves to eat piglets!”

Ella was shocked! “A wolf? That’s scary!”

“Don’t worry!” said the piglets. “We’re going to build our own houses!”

Ella smiled. “That’s a great idea! I can help you build your houses!”

The first piglet decided to build her house out of straw. She tied it up in big blocks, but she didn’t even put in a door or window! “I want to play!” she said. “Come on, Ella!”

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Ella giggled. “We’ll help all three of you, a little bit at a time. Then, we can all play together!” Ella loved to play with her superpower. She could glow like a star! It was very fun to play with her friends.

The second piglet decided to build her house out of wood. She gathered branches from the forest and built a cabin with a roof, doors, and windows. But she saw her sister playing and didn’t worry about putting in many nails. “I’m going to play!” she said, and she ran off.

Ella went to help the third piglet. She wanted to build a house just like her mother’s, with bricks, cement, glass windows, and a secure roof. It took a long time. Ella and the piglet sweated with all that work! But they laughed while they built! They saw the other piglets playing in the forest.

When the third piglet and Ella finished building the house, the piglet invited Ella inside for a snack. “Let’s make soup!” she said. Ella’s dreamer personality was very excited. She loved to cook!

That night, the wolf appeared! The piglets and Ella were scared. The wolf went straight to the straw house and with just one strong blow, knocked the whole house down! The piglet who lived there ran through the dark forest. The wolf didn’t catch her!

“He’s coming for us!” Ella said. “We could go to my hiding place, Outer space, if we need to!”

The wolf was hungry and didn’t want to waste time. He went straight to the wooden cabin. It took two strong blows, and the house fell apart. The second piglet ran and found her sister hiding in the forest.

The wolf was irritated. He went to blow down the third house, made of bricks. A delicious smell was coming out of the chimney. He blew, blew, blew, but the house didn’t fall. He decided to go down the chimney! It seemed like a good idea! But when he started to descend, he smelled something burning! His tail was on fire!

This time, it was the wolf who was scared. He quickly ran away!

The two hiding piglets laughed when they saw the wolf running away. They finally were able to return to their sister. She welcomed them, and along with Ella, they had a delicious soup! It felt good to feel welcomed, inside a warm and safe house!

And so, Ella and the three little piglets enjoyed that night, realizing that sometimes, good things take time!

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