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The Ugly Duckling with David

The Ugly Duckling with David

It was summer! The air was warm and sunny, and everything seemed happy and colorful, like the sun was smiling all the time. David loved summer! It was his favorite time of year. His family had moved from their house in Indianapolis to a farm nearby. They wanted to be closer to nature and enjoy the fresh air. David loved the move! He could play outside all day long, especially with his superpower – Time travel!

There was a beautiful stream that flowed peacefully through the farm. David loved to splash around in the water and watch the fish swim. There was also a lake where David could swim. He was so happy! There were many animals on the farm, but David was always fascinated by the storks. They walked so gracefully on their long legs! David loved to imitate the storks' walk, stretching his legs and pretending to be a stork. It was so much fun!

One day, while playing with the ducklings in the lake, David saw something special. A duck was sitting on a nest of eggs! He watched in wonder as the eggs started to crack, and tiny ducklings hatched out! But one egg, the biggest one of all, didn't crack. The duck seemed worried and kept sitting on it.

Days later, David went back to the lake. The duck was gone, but the large egg had cracked. There was a new baby duckling, bigger than the others, with different colored feathers, a different beak, and a different way of walking. The little duckling looked sad.

David loved to make friends with animals. He went over to the strange duckling and asked why he was sad. The farm was so big and beautiful with a big garden to explore! The duckling explained that he was different from his siblings and didn't like it. All the other ducks in the lake laughed at him and made him feel bad.

David said they would love to play with the strange duckling and invited him to come back the next day. He told him about his secret hideout – the Time tunnel. He said it was a safe place where they could play and be different together.

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David returned the next day, but the duckling was gone. He was so sad because nobody liked him that he decided to leave and find other friends. But it didn't work out. Everywhere he went, the other ducks mocked him and made fun of him.

It was a long and difficult journey for the duckling. The seasons changed, and he had to move because nobody welcomed him. He only felt embraced by nature.

David went to the lake every day to play. He missed his duckling friend but never saw him again. He spent his time learning about history and playing with his friends.

Spring came, and the duckling loved it just as much as David loved summer. After a long and hard journey, he found himself near the lake where he was born. He approached cautiously, not wanting his siblings to laugh at him. But when he reached the water's edge, he saw his reflection in the water. He wasn't an ugly duckling anymore! He was a beautiful swan! That's why everyone thought he was so strange!

One day, David went to the lake to play in the water. He recognized his friend! It was a special reunion! David was amazed at his friend, now a swan. He loved his adventurous personality! They played joyfully, both happy to see each other.

David and the swan understood that being different wasn’t wrong. It was just being who you are! Being strange is being different, and everyone is different! And isn't being different just being who we are?

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