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The Ugly Duckling with Oliver

The Ugly Duckling with Oliver

It was summer! The sun was bright and yellow, like a giant lemon in the sky. It was so hot that Oliver's curly brown hair felt like a fluffy cloud on his head. Summer was Oliver's favorite time of year. Everything seemed happy and colorful, as if the sun was smiling down on everyone.

Oliver's family had moved from their house in Dallas to a big farm. They lived in a house next to the farm, near a beautiful stream that gurgled like a happy song. Oliver liked the farm a lot! He loved playing outside and exploring the fields and woods. He loved the farm so much because he could use his superpower, Super strength. Oliver was a strong boy, and he could lift heavy things, like big rocks and even the farm's biggest pumpkin! He had a special secret cave behind the house, hidden in the woods, where he could practice his super strength.

Oliver loved the farm. It was much cooler than Dallas. He loved the lake where he could go swimming and the animals on the farm. He had so many friends there! Oliver had a lot of fun playing with the ducklings in the lake. They waddled around, their little yellow feathers shining in the sunlight.

There were so many animals on the farm! Oliver loved watching the storks. They walked so gracefully with their long legs, like they were on stilts! Oliver tried to walk like a stork, but he just ended up tripping! He wasn't very good at being graceful, but that was okay. Oliver was brave. He loved trying new things and exploring the farm.

One day, while playing with the ducklings, Oliver saw something amazing! He saw a duck sitting on some eggs. The eggs were so big and round! The duck was quiet and still, her feathers soft and brown. Oliver watched and watched as the little ducklings started to hatch! It was like a magic show! One by one, the little ducklings pecked their way out of the eggs, and then they waddled around, chirping happily. But one egg, the biggest one of all, didn't hatch. Oliver saw the mother duck looking worried. She kept sitting on the big egg, but nothing happened.

A few days later, Oliver went back to the lake. He saw all the ducklings swimming and playing. He looked around for the mother duck, but she was gone. He saw that the big egg had cracked. He looked closer and saw something amazing! There was a baby duckling, bigger than the others, with different colored feathers, a different beak, and a different manner. It looked a bit sad.

Oliver went over to the baby duckling and said, “Hi! Why are you so sad? You have a whole farm to explore! There's a beautiful garden with juicy berries and flowers with sweet smells!"

"I'm sad because I'm different," the baby duckling said. "All the other ducks laugh at me because I don't look like them. I don't feel good about it."

"Oh no!" Oliver said. “You are so cool! I think you are special! We will love having you as a friend!” He said, "Come play with me tomorrow! I have a secret place you can play in, my Secret cave! It's safe and hidden in the woods!"

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The next day, Oliver went to the lake to meet the duckling. He looked everywhere but couldn't find him. He heard the duckling had gone away to find other friends. He had tried to make friends with the other ducks, but they made fun of him, and he felt sad.

Oliver was sad that his new friend left. He wanted to play with the little duckling, but he knew the duckling was looking for a place to belong.

Oliver went to play in the lake every day, but he never saw the little duckling again. He played with the other ducklings and made new friends. He also spent time in his Secret Cave, practicing his super strength and thinking about dinosaurs. Oliver loved dinosaurs! They were so big and strong, just like him!

Time went by, and spring arrived. The farm was full of beautiful flowers, and the trees were blooming. Oliver loved spring almost as much as summer.

After a long time, the duckling was tired and sad. He traveled from place to place but was never welcomed. One day, he found himself back by the lake where he was born. He was tired and hungry. He approached the lake cautiously, not wanting his siblings to laugh at him. He walked slowly, but when he reached the water's edge, he saw his reflection in the water! He looked in the water and saw a beautiful swan. It was him! He was no longer an ugly duckling, but a beautiful swan. He was so different from the other ducks that everyone thought he was strange.

That day, Oliver went to the lake to swim. He saw something beautiful in the water. It was his friend! He recognized his friend by his unique coloring! Oliver was amazed to see his friend was now a beautiful swan. He was so brave and strong! Oliver swam up to his friend, and they played in the water, laughing and splashing.

Oliver learned that being different wasn’t wrong. It was just being who you are. Being different is being special. And everyone is special!

And isn't being different just being who we are?

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