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William's Big Beach Day!

William's Big Beach Day!

"Look, Mom! A picture of a beach!" William pointed at the book Mom was reading. "Can we go? Please?" He bounced on the balls of his feet, his four-year-old energy buzzing like a bee.

Mom smiled, "A beach? Hmm, maybe someday. Beaches are far away, William."

"Farther than the zoo?" William tilted his head, thinking about his secret hideout filled with roaring lions and chirping birds.

"Even farther," Mom chuckled, closing the book. "But, you know what? Let's pretend we're at the beach right now!"

William's face lit up. This sounded fun! He grabbed his favorite stuffed monster, Roro. "Okay! But how?"

Mom spread a big blue blanket on the living room floor. "This is our ocean!" She then scattered pillows around it. "And these are big, sandy dunes."

William giggled, jumping onto a pillow. "It's just like the picture! But... are there mermaids?" He loved the mermaids in Mom's book, with their sparkly tails and flowy hair.

"Oh, William," Mom smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Mermaids are just stories. They're part of growing up, like learning about all the amazing things in the world!"

William frowned. He didn't like the sound of growing up if it meant no mermaids. "But I want to see a mermaid!"

Mom hugged him. "Well, we can always dream, can't we? Now, close your eyes and pretend with me."

William squeezed his eyes shut, holding Roro tight. He imagined the warm sun, the smell of salty air, and the sound of waves crashing. Suddenly, a beautiful melody filled the air. It was like nothing he'd ever heard before.

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He opened his eyes and gasped. On the blue blanket, right in their living room, swam a shimmering mermaid! She had long, emerald-green hair and a tail that glittered like a thousand seashells.

"Wow!" William whispered, his eyes wide with wonder.

The mermaid smiled, her voice like tinkling bells. "Hello, William. I am Coral. I heard you singing of the sea."

William looked at his mom, who was smiling with delight. He couldn't believe it! This had to be a dream. But Coral seemed so real!

Coral swam closer, her tail making gentle ripples in the blanket-ocean. "Do you want to learn a secret about growing up, William?"

William nodded eagerly.

"Growing up doesn't mean leaving your dreams behind," Coral explained, her voice soft and soothing. "It means making space for new adventures and discoveries! Like meeting a mermaid in your living room." She winked.

William giggled. He felt braver already, stronger even. Maybe growing up wouldn't be so bad after all!

"Can you stay and play?" William asked, scooting over on the pillow.

Coral shook her head, her tail swishing sadly. "I wish I could, little one. But the ocean calls me back." She pointed a fin at William's heart. "Remember, keep your heart open to the wonders of the world, and you never know what magic you might find."

Then, just as quickly as she appeared, Coral vanished, leaving behind a faint shimmer in the air.

William hugged Roro close, his heart filled with the magic of the day. He realized Mom was right; growing up could be an amazing adventure. He couldn't wait to see what other wonders the world held, even if they were just in his imagination. After all, he had met a real mermaid, and that made all the difference!

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