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David's Bumpy Beach Day

David's Bumpy Beach Day

Legend says that if you listen closely while brushing your teeth, you'll hear the sea calling!

David loved brushing his teeth. He'd make his toothbrush dance like a happy dinosaur! But today was extra special. Grandma was taking him to the beach! He brushed so fast, he thought he could hear the waves crashing. "Ready, David?" Grandma asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Ready, Grandma!" David shouted, grabbing his beach bag.

When they arrived, David felt like he'd stepped into a postcard. The sky was so blue, and the water sparkled like a million seashells. But something was different. There, sitting on a beach umbrella, was a tiny bird with bright blue feathers. It chirped a tune that sounded exactly like...brushing teeth?

"Did you hear that, Grandma?" David whispered.

"Hear what, sweetie?" Grandma asked, adjusting her sunglasses.

"The bird! It's singing a tooth-brushing song!"

The little bird fluttered down and perched on David's sandcastle. It tilted its head and sang again, "Chirp, chirp, brush, brush, chirp, chirp!"

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David giggled. "I think it wants us to brush our teeth!"

Now, Grandma was known for her delicious cookies, not her singing. But, she humored David. She pretended to brush her teeth along with the bird's song. David joined in, making his toothbrush dance like a happy crab.

Soon, other people on the beach stopped to watch. A lifeguard pretended his whistle was a toothbrush. A little girl with bright pink floaties giggled along with her mom. Everyone was brushing their teeth!

The little bird seemed delighted. It chirped and flew in a circle, its song getting louder and louder. It sounded like a whole orchestra of toothbrushes! Then, just as suddenly, the bird stopped. It puffed up its tiny chest and let out a loud, "Chirp!"

And that's when the wave hit! It wasn't a scary wave, but a giant, playful wave that gently washed over everyone on the beach. When it receded, everyone was soaked, sandy, and...smiling!

"Wow!" David exclaimed, shaking water from his hair. "That was the best tooth-brushing party ever!"

The little bird chirped happily and flew off towards the setting sun.

As they packed up, Grandma turned to David. "You know, I think that bird had the right idea," she said with a wink. "Brushing your teeth is always more fun with a little music and a lot of laughter!"

Back home, as David brushed his teeth before bed, he thought about the magical bird and the beach party. He decided that even though he wouldn't have a bird to sing to him every day, he would always remember to brush his teeth with a song in his heart and a smile on his face. After all, you never knew when a tooth-brushing party might be just around the corner!

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