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Sophia and the Dragon of Empathy

Sophia and the Dragon of Empathy

The sand felt warm and squishy between Sophia's toes. It tickled! The air smelled salty and sweet, like the snacks Mom sometimes packed for picnics. Sophia giggled, "This is way better than a picnic, Mom!"

Mom smiled, her sunglasses perched on her nose. "It is pretty amazing, isn't it? Who knew a little rowboat ride from the beach would lead us to a magical island?"

They had found the island drawn on a treasure map Sophia had colored. The crayon drawing came to life when the sun shined on it, revealing a sparkling island with a friendly looking dragon waving from the shore. Now, here they were!

"Look, Mom, a dragon!" Sophia pointed to a cave hidden behind a waterfall.

The dragon was even more colorful up close, with scales that shimmered like jewels and wings as big as Sophia's whole house back in Los Angeles. He was a little bit scary, but mostly he just seemed sad.

"Hello," Sophia said softly. She knew it was important to be kind, especially to sad creatures.

The dragon sniffed, a puff of smoke curling from his nostrils. "Nobody wants to be my friend," he grumbled, his voice like rumbling thunder. "They say I'm too big and scary."

Sophia remembered how it felt when the other kids wouldn't let her play doctor with them because she was the smallest. She knew how the dragon felt.

"I'll be your friend," Sophia said, her voice strong even though her heart was beating fast.

The dragon blinked his big, golden eyes. "You will?"

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Sophia nodded. "My mom says it's important to have empathy, to understand how other people feel." She walked closer and patted the dragon's leg, her hand barely reaching. It felt rough and warm, like a giant, scaly tree trunk.

"Empathy?" The dragon tilted his head.

"Yeah! Like, you feel sad because you want a friend, and I know how that feels because sometimes I feel lonely too." Sophia smiled. "But now we're friends, so neither of us has to feel lonely anymore!"

The dragon smiled, and it was like the sun peeking out from behind a cloud. He scooped Sophia up gently with his tail and lifted her onto his back. "Then let's have an adventure, friend!"

They soared through the sky, the wind whipping through Sophia's hair. They splashed in the crystal-clear water, the dragon making waves with his giant tail. They ate delicious, juicy fruits that grew on the island's magical trees.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with fiery colors, Sophia knew it was time to go.

"Thank you for being my friend," the dragon said, lowering his head so Sophia could slide off.

"Thank you for being mine," she said, hugging his snout. "I'll visit you again soon!"

The dragon winked, a puff of smoke turning into a heart shape in the air.

Back in the rowboat, Mom smiled at Sophia. "You were very brave, making friends with a dragon."

Sophia snuggled against her mom. "I learned it from you," she whispered. "You taught me how important empathy is."

As they rowed back home, the stars twinkling above them, Sophia knew this was just the beginning of many amazing adventures with her new friend, the Dragon of Empathy.

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