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The Case of the Missing Melon

The Case of the Missing Melon

"Look, Mom! A blue fish!" Evelyn pointed excitedly at a bright blue truck rumbling past.

"That is a bright blue truck, Evelyn!" Mom laughed. "Do you want to go to the street market today? They have lots of colorful fruits!"

Evelyn loved colors! She loved to look for colorful things, especially in the deep ocean where she liked to pretend to swim. The street market sounded like fun!

The street market was bustling! People were everywhere, and music played from a little shop. It smelled like sunshine and flowers and yummy things to eat. Evelyn held tight to Mom's hand. She wanted to see everything!

"Look, Evelyn, a red apple!" Mom pointed to a fruit stand overflowing with fruits of every color. Evelyn giggled. She knew what a red apple was!

Suddenly, a man in a striped apron cried out, "My prize melon! It's gone! Missing!"

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A crowd gathered around the man. Evelyn tugged on Mom's hand. "We can help find it!" she whispered.

"Do you think so?" Mom asked. "We can try our best!"

Evelyn puffed out her chest. She loved helping! It made her feel brave and strong, like when she pretended to dive deep in the ocean.

The man told them his prize melon was green and yellow and as big as a beach ball! He was very sad it was gone. Evelyn decided to look very, very carefully.

She walked slowly around the empty melon stand, looking for clues. She peeked under the tables and behind the baskets. Nothing.

Then, she saw it! A flash of yellow and green under a bush. Evelyn crawled closer. It was the melon! And beside it, curled up for a nap, was a big, fluffy, orange cat!

"I found it!" Evelyn shouted, carefully pulling the melon out from under the bush. The cat yawned, stretched, and rubbed against her leg, purring.

The man was so happy! He thanked Evelyn and gave her a big, juicy slice of melon. Evelyn petted the sleepy cat one last time. It felt good to be brave and help someone. And she knew, even though she was little, she could do anything she set her mind to, just like a deep-sea diver exploring the ocean!

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