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William and the Messy Dragon

William and the Messy Dragon

William loved birds! He loved to watch them fly outside his window in Austin. One day, a big bluebird landed on his windowsill and spoke! "William, there's a messy dragon in Fairyland, and only you can help!"

William was only four, but he was super strong! "Don't worry, Mr. Bluebird, I'll help!" He told his grandpa about the dragon, and Grandpa, being a big fan of pirates and adventures, said, "Well, blow me down! Let's go!"

The bluebird led them through a secret door in the garden, right into Fairyland! Everything sparkled, and tiny fairies flew around, giggling. They reached a huge cave filled with...stuff! Clothes, toys, books, and even a giant teacup were scattered everywhere.

In the middle, snoring loudly, was a small, green dragon, surrounded by a mountain of socks! "He's not so scary," William whispered.

"He's not scary," the bluebird chirped, "but he's messy! He can't find his fire, and without it, Fairyland will be cold and dark!"

William knew just what to do. "We need to organize!" he said. "Grandpa, you sort the books. Mr. Bluebird, you gather the fairies to fold the clothes. I'll tackle the toys!"

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William was super strong, so he lifted heavy treasure chests and put all the toys in neat piles. Grandpa, being very intelligent, arranged the books by color and size. The fairies, with their tiny hands, folded clothes faster than you could say "sparkle dust!"

Soon, the cave was neat and tidy. The dragon woke up, confused. "Where's my fire?" he sniffled.

William pointed to a corner where a little flame flickered. "You couldn't see it because you were so messy!"

The dragon saw all the organized things and smiled. "Wow! This is great! I love being organized! Thank you!" He took a deep breath and blew a giant fireball into the sky, lighting up all of Fairyland.

The fairies cheered! They were so happy to have their warm, bright land back. They gave William a crown of flowers and declared him a hero. William hugged the dragon goodbye, promising to visit again soon.

Back home, William told his grandpa, "Organizing was fun! And we helped the dragon and all the fairies!"

Grandpa smiled. "That's right, William! When we organize, it not only makes things tidy, but it also helps us find what we need and makes everyone happy!"

From that day on, William made sure to keep his toys organized. He even taught his dog how to put his toys back in their basket. He knew that even small actions, like keeping things tidy, could make a big difference, just like in Fairyland!

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