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William and the Toothbrush Volcano!

William and the Toothbrush Volcano!

William zoomed his toy monster across the floor. "Roar! I eat candy for breakfast!" He giggled, then stopped. "Uh oh, gotta brush my teeth!" William remembered what his mom always said, "Brushing your teeth is important, William! It keeps your smile bright and healthy!"

He grabbed his toothbrush and pretended it was a rocket ship, blasting off to his teeth! Suddenly, the floor started to shake! The lights flickered. “What was that?!” William exclaimed.

Just then, Jacob, his fluffy dog, came bounding in, barking excitedly. “Woof! Woof! Adventure time?” Jacob loved to play explorer, even if he was 54 in dog years!

The shaking got worse! A giant crack snaked across the floor, right to William’s feet! Red hot light peeked through. William gasped. "It's... it's a volcano!"

He knew all about volcanoes! He’d seen pictures at the zoo, his secret hideout. This one was erupting right in his living room! "Wow-wee!" William yelled.

He grabbed Jacob's leash. "Come on, Jacob! Let's explore!" With a mighty leap, powered by his super strength, William jumped right into the glowing crack, Jacob trailing behind him.

Whoosh! They tumbled through a tunnel of hot air and bright light. When they landed, William's mouth hung open. It was just like the pictures, only real! Glowing lava flowed like a river of fire. The air smelled like hot rocks and adventure.

“This is even better than the zoo!” William whispered, his eyes wide.

A loud screech echoed through the air. High above, on a ledge of black rock, sat a monkey! It was munching on something white and long.

"Hey, Mr. Monkey!" William called. "What's that you're eating?"

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The monkey looked down, its eyes big and surprised. It held up its snack. “It looks like... a toothbrush?” William said, confused.

The monkey screeched again and pointed to a pile of toothbrushes beside him. There were hundreds, maybe thousands! Red ones, blue ones, even sparkly ones!

"Whoa! That's a lot of toothbrushes!" William exclaimed. "Why do you have so many?"

The monkey chattered and made a brushing motion with his hand. He pointed to his teeth, which were sparkly white!

"You want us to brush our teeth?" William asked. The monkey nodded excitedly. He threw down two toothbrushes, one big and one small.

William caught them both. "Okay, Mr. Monkey, we can do that!" He handed the smaller brush to Jacob. "Even explorers need to keep their teeth clean!"

Jacob wagged his tail and pretended to brush his teeth, even though dogs don't usually do that.

After they finished brushing, the volcano rumbled happily. It was pleased they were taking care of their teeth! The monkey tossed down a rope made of…dental floss!

Holding tight to the rope, William and Jacob climbed back up to their living room. The crack in the floor was gone!

"That was amazing!" William exclaimed, his eyes sparkling like the monkey's teeth. "Next time we go back, let's bring some toothpaste!"

Jacob barked in agreement. He loved adventures, especially if they involved meeting new friends, even if they were toothbrush-collecting monkeys who lived in volcanoes! From then on, William never forgot to brush his teeth. After all, he had a volcano to visit!

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