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David and the Very Grateful Prince

David and the Very Grateful Prince

"Wowzers!" David shouted, tumbling out of his cardboard box time machine. "This isn't the Jurassic period!" He was surrounded by bright green grass and colorful flowers. A big, fluffy bumblebee buzzed past his ear.

"Woof! Where are we, David?" barked Lily, his trusty dachshund and best pal since forever.

"I don't know, girl," David said, scratching behind Lily's ears. "But it looks like…" He gasped. "It looks like our backyard!"

Just then, a tiny voice squeaked, "Excuse me, kind sirs, but is this where I can find some… gratitude?"

David and Lily turned to see a boy, no bigger than David, dressed in a shiny, blue velvet suit with a tiny crown perched on his head.

"A prince!" David whispered to Lily.

The little prince looked very confused. "Yes, I am Prince Lucas. My royal advisor told me that gratitude is found in backyards."

David thought for a moment. He knew gratitude was a big word, but it meant being happy for all the good things you have. Like Lily, and his time machine, and sunny days perfect for adventures!

"Well, Prince Lucas," David said, "You've come to the right place! Backyards are full of amazing things to be grateful for!"

Lily wagged her tail excitedly. "Woof! Like yummy bones and belly rubs!"

Prince Lucas looked unsure. "But where is it? Is it hiding under that bush?" He pointed to a rose bush bursting with red roses.

David chuckled. "Gratitude isn't something you find, Prince Lucas. It's something you feel!"

He took Prince Lucas by the hand and led him to the middle of the yard. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath," David instructed.

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Prince Lucas obeyed, scrunching up his face with the effort.

"Now," David said, "Think about all the wonderful things around you. The warm sunshine, the smell of the flowers, the sound of the birds singing."

Lily barked happily and licked Prince Lucas' hand.

Prince Lucas giggled and opened his eyes. A slow smile spread across his face. "I feel it!" he whispered. "It feels… warm and fuzzy! Like a hug from my grandma!"

David beamed. He was happy that he could help Prince Lucas find gratitude.

For the rest of the afternoon, David and Lily showed Prince Lucas all the wonders of the backyard. They marveled at the busy ants carrying crumbs, listened to the wind rustle the leaves in the trees, and even had a tickle fight with some stray blades of grass.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, Prince Lucas announced it was time for him to return to his castle.

"Thank you, David! Thank you, Lily!" he exclaimed. "You have shown me that gratitude is everywhere! I feel like the luckiest prince in the world!"

And with a poof and a swirl of glitter, Prince Lucas was gone.

David and Lily walked back towards the house, hand in paw.

"You know, Lily," David said, "Helping Prince Lucas find gratitude made me realize how much I have to be grateful for too."

Lily barked in agreement, her tail wagging happily.

David wrapped his arms around Lily. "I'm grateful for adventures, and for sunshine, and for the best dog in the whole wide world!"

Lily licked David's nose and barked again, her bark echoing through the backyard, full of gratitude and joy.

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