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Story for kids






Evelyn and the Spooky Beach Story

Evelyn and the Spooky Beach Story

Evelyn and the Spooky Beach Story

"Mommy, how do seashells get on the beach?" Evelyn asked, her big eyes wide with wonder. She loved the ocean and all its creatures, even if she was only three years old.

"Well," Mom smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind Evelyn's ear, "Let's find a book and read about it!"

Evelyn loved reading almost as much as she loved the ocean. Mom always said reading was like magic, taking you on adventures without even leaving the house! They snuggled on the couch, a big, spooky book about the ocean in Mom's lap.

As Mom read about giant squids and glowing jellyfish, Evelyn felt a shiver run down her spine. The book said some beaches were haunted by friendly witches who loved to collect seashells!

"Mommy," Evelyn whispered, "Do you think we could go to a beach with a friendly witch?"

Mom laughed, "I think those are just stories, sweetie."

But that night, Evelyn dreamt of a sparkly beach and a witch with a hat as tall as a sandcastle. When she woke up, she knew they had to go find that beach!

After a long drive from their home in Chicago, they arrived at the beach from Evelyn's dream! The sand sparkled like glitter, and the waves whispered secrets to the shore.

"Look, Mommy!" Evelyn shouted, pointing to a giant sandcastle. Sitting on top was a witch, but she wasn't scary at all! She had a kind smile and a hat decorated with colorful seashells.

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"Welcome!" the witch said, her voice like the tinkling of bells. "I've been waiting for you, Evelyn. I hear you love the ocean!"

Evelyn, usually shy around new people, ran right up to the witch.

"I'm Hazel," the witch said. "And I love sharing my seashells and stories with anyone who visits my beach."

Hazel's sandcastle was actually a cozy little house! Inside, shelves overflowed with books about the ocean, pirates, and mermaids!

Evelyn gasped, "So many books!"

Hazel chuckled, "Reading is the best way to learn about the ocean, little one. Each book is a magical journey!"

Evelyn and Mom spent the whole afternoon with Hazel, listening to stories about brave pirates and mischievous sea monsters. Evelyn even learned how to say "Hello!" in mermaid language.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and purple, it was time to go.

"Thank you for the stories, Hazel!" Evelyn said, giving the friendly witch a big hug.

"Anytime, little one," Hazel winked. "Just remember, the magic of reading and the ocean are always waiting for you!"

Back in the car, Evelyn snuggled close to Mom, a new book about a friendly whale tucked under her arm. She couldn't wait to read it and dream of more ocean adventures, knowing that even spooky witches could be friends, especially if they loved books!

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