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Evelyn's Doctor Visit

Evelyn's Doctor Visit

The sun peeked through the window, making Evelyn's toy fish sparkle! "Time for your checkup!" Dad said. Evelyn loved her doctor, but going meant leaving her fish. "Can fishy come?" she asked. "Maybe next time," Dad chuckled.

At the doctor's office, everything was shiny and white. Evelyn pointed at a poster with a big, friendly whale on it. "Look, Dad, a fishy!" she exclaimed. "That's a whale, sweetie," Dad said. "It lives in the ocean, just like your fishy!"

Suddenly, a whirring sound filled the room. A big, round door slid open, revealing a room that looked exactly like... a pirate ship! "Wow!" Evelyn gasped. A lady in a sparkly blue dress smiled at them. "Welcome aboard! I'm Dr. Oceana. Ready for an adventure?"

Evelyn forgot all about missing her fishy. A real pirate ship at the doctor's office?! This was even better! They stepped inside and the door whooshed closed. Dr. Oceana pointed to a giant seashell. "Hop in, little explorer!"

Evelyn, still amazed, climbed into the seashell. It started to glow and spin gently. "This special shell checks how healthy you are," Dr. Oceana explained. Evelyn giggled, feeling like she was floating in the ocean.

The shell stopped spinning and Dr. Oceana looked at a screen. "Evelyn, you're a very healthy girl! But... it seems you really miss the ocean, am I right?"

Evelyn nodded. How did Dr. Oceana know?

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"Well," Dr. Oceana winked, "I have a surprise for you! Follow me!"

She led them through a door at the back of the ship. And there, in a huge tank that stretched as far as Evelyn could see, were mermaids! They swam gracefully, their tails shimmering with scales of every color.

One mermaid, with a tail like a rainbow, swam up to the glass. She smiled and waved at Evelyn. Evelyn waved back, her mouth wide open in wonder.

"Wow!" was all she could say.

Dr. Oceana chuckled. "I thought you might like that. The mermaids love visitors, and they tell me all sorts of fascinating things about the ocean."

Evelyn spent the rest of the afternoon watching the mermaids and listening to Dr. Oceana's stories. She learned about starfish that could grow back their arms and dolphins that talked to each other with whistles and clicks. She even learned that the whale on the poster wasn't a fish, but a mammal, just like her!

Finally, it was time to go. As they walked out of the doctor's office, Evelyn held Dad's hand tight. "That was the best doctor visit ever!" she exclaimed.

"I told you it wouldn't be so bad," Dad said, smiling.

That night, snuggled in bed with her toy fish, Evelyn dreamed of mermaids and whales and a magical doctor's office shaped like a pirate ship. She couldn't wait to go back and visit her new friends again!

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