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Jackson Plays Basketball!

Jackson Plays Basketball!

The sun peeked through the curtains, making Jackson's robot arm shine like a star. He jumped out of bed, ready for a day of fun at school! "Mom, I'm ready for school! Can we practice basketball today?" he called out, already halfway down the stairs.

Mom was in the kitchen, humming a happy tune as she drew a picture of a bright bluebird. "Good morning, my little superhero! Of course, we can practice basketball after school. What a wonderful idea!"

At school, the halls were buzzing with excitement. Jackson's teacher, Ms. Lily, had a surprise for them. "Today, we're going to learn about teamwork with a fun game of basketball!" she announced. Jackson's eyes lit up. This was going to be the best day ever!

As they stepped out to the sunny courtyard, Jackson noticed a tiny bluebird perched on the basketball hoop. It chirped sweetly, as if cheering them on. Ms. Lily divided the class into teams and explained the rules. Jackson was determined to play his best and use his robot arm for super-duper passes!

The game began, and the basketball bounced and flew across the court. Jackson zipped around like a little rocket, his robot arm passing the ball with amazing speed and accuracy. He even managed to score a basket, making the little bluebird chirp with delight!

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During a break, Jackson shared his juice box with the friendly bluebird. "You're a great cheerleader!" he whispered, giggling as the bird pecked gently at his finger.

Mom arrived after school, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "So, how was basketball?" she asked as Jackson grabbed his backpack.

"It was amazing! I made a new friend," Jackson exclaimed, pointing to the bluebird, still perched on his shoulder.

Mom laughed, her eyes twinkling. "Well, hello there, little friend! What a special guest to have at basketball practice."

As they walked home, Jackson dribbled his basketball, the little bluebird flitting alongside them. They practiced shooting hoops in the driveway, Mom cheering them both on. Even though Jackson's robot arm sometimes sent the ball flying in unexpected directions, they laughed and had the best time together.

Later that night, snuggled in bed, Jackson smiled, remembering the exciting basketball game, his new feathered friend, and the joy of playing with his mom. He knew that even though his robot arm made him special, it was the love of his family and friends that made him truly super.

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