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Scarlett's Big Idea!

Scarlett's Big Idea!

"Wow!" Scarlett said. Dad was showing her a picture on his phone. "What is that, Dad?" she asked.

"It's a pirate ship, Scarlett!" Dad said.

"A pirate ship?" Scarlett said. "Can we go see it? Please, please, please?"

"It's awfully far away," said Dad.

Scarlett thought for a second. What could she do? She had an idea! She ran to her room. "I'll be right back!" she called.

Scarlett came back a moment later. "Look!" she said. She had her toy rocket ship in her hand.

"That's great, Scarlett," said Dad. "But I don't think that rocket ship can fly that far."

"But *this* rocket ship can!" said Scarlett. She pointed to a picture she had colored. It showed her standing next to a giant rocket ship. "See, Dad? We can fly there in this rocket ship!"

Dad smiled. "That's a great idea, Scarlett!" he said. "But I don't think a rocket ship like that exists... yet!"

Scarlett giggled. "Don't worry, Dad!" she said. "I have another idea!"

Scarlett went back to her room. She came back with her box of crayons. "We can draw a magic door!" she said. "And then we can just walk right through it!"

"Let's try it!" said Dad.

They got to work drawing a door. They colored it bright pink and purple, Scarlett's favorite colors. They even added sparkles! When they were done, they held hands and stood in front of the door.

"Ready?" asked Dad.

Scarlett nodded. "One, two three!" she said. They closed their eyes tight and jumped!

When they opened their eyes, they were standing in front of a real pirate ship! The door had worked! Scarlett giggled. "It tickles!" she said.

The pirate ship was amazing! It was even bigger than in the picture. It had a big white sail and a flag with a skull and crossbones on it. There was a parrot sitting on the railing. "Ahoy there, mateys!" squawked the parrot.

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Suddenly, a little girl wearing a crown and a long, flowing cape came running up to them. "Hello!" she said. "I'm Princess Lily! Are you here to help us?"

"Help you?" asked Dad.

"Yes!" said Princess Lily. "We've lost our creativity!"

"Your creativity?" asked Scarlett.

"Yes!" said Princess Lily. "Without it, we can't think of new ideas or stories or songs! It's terrible!"

Scarlett loved to be creative! She knew she had to help. "Don't worry," Scarlett said. "My dad and I will help you find your creativity!"

Scarlett and Dad spent the day searching the pirate ship. They looked high and low, but they couldn't find anything.

Finally, Scarlett had an idea. "Dad, remember how we got here?" she asked.

Dad smiled. "You're right!" he said. "We used our creativity to imagine a magic door!"

Scarlett nodded. "Maybe that's how we can help Princess Lily! We can use *our* creativity to help her find *hers*!"

"That's a great idea, Scarlett!" said Dad.

Scarlett and Dad told Princess Lily all about how they imagined the magic door. They even showed her how to draw one! Princess Lily was amazed.

"I feel different!" she said. "Like I can imagine anything!" Princess Lily closed her eyes and concentrated. When she opened her eyes, she was smiling. "I found it!" she said. "I found my creativity!"

Suddenly, the pirate ship was filled with music and laughter. The pirates were singing and telling stories. Everyone was happy again!

Scarlett and Dad hugged Princess Lily goodbye. Then, they walked back through the magic door, making sure to close it tight behind them.

Scarlett and Dad were back in their living room. Scarlett giggled. "That was so much fun!" she said.

"It sure was," said Dad. "You were very creative today, Scarlett."

Scarlett gave her dad a big hug. She was happy that she had been able to help Princess Lily find her creativity. And she knew that no matter what, she would always use her own creativity to make the world a more fun and imaginative place.

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