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Scarlett's Tidy Trip to the Clouds

Scarlett's Tidy Trip to the Clouds

"Whee!" Scarlett giggled, soaring through the air on a giant, fluffy dandelion. Below her, the city of Indianapolis shrunk smaller and smaller. She held tight to Grandma, who was expertly steering them towards a giant, pink cloud that looked suspiciously like a giant, pink cotton candy.

"Hold on tight, sweetie!" Grandma laughed, her hair flying behind her like a colorful flag. "We're almost to Cloud Kingdom!"

Scarlett had found a magic door behind a bookshelf in the library. It was hidden, just like a secret only she knew about! The door was covered in glitter and had a sign that read "Cloud Kingdom - For Dreamers and Gigglers Only!" Of course, Scarlett had to peek inside.

Cloud Kingdom was even more amazing than Scarlett imagined. The clouds were bouncy like trampolines, and little cloud creatures with fluffy tails floated around, playing hide-and-seek in rainbows.

"Look, Grandma!" Scarlett pointed at a group of cloud creatures carefully sorting sparkles into different colored boxes. "What are they doing?"

Grandma chuckled, "They're organizing the rainbows, dear. Everything in Cloud Kingdom needs to be tidy and in its place. It's how the magic stays strong."

Scarlett loved organizing! At home, she organized her toys, her books, even her socks! She wanted to help the cloud creatures with the sparkles, but Grandma whisked her away to meet the wisest creature in the kingdom – the Cloud Magician.

The Cloud Magician was a jolly fellow with a big, white beard that almost touched the ground. He wore a hat made of clouds and a robe sparkling with raindrops. He smiled down at Scarlett.

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"You must be the little girl with a talent for organization," he boomed. "I have a very important task for you!"

He pointed to a giant cloud in the distance. It was a messy jumble of colors and shapes. Unlike the other clouds, it looked sad and gray.

"That's the Dream Cloud," the magician explained. "It holds all the dreams people have while they sleep. But it's gotten all mixed up, and now people are having silly dreams, like dreaming about shoes that sing or cats that fly airplanes!"

Scarlett knew what she had to do. She took a deep breath and shouted, "Don't worry, I’m an expert organizer!"

She spent the rest of the day sorting the dreams. Happy dreams with fluffy kittens went into a pink cloud, exciting dreams about bouncing on the moon went into a yellow cloud, and silly dreams about dancing vegetables went into a green cloud.

By the time the sun began to set, the Dream Cloud was back to its fluffy, white self. The cloud creatures cheered, and even the Cloud Magician did a little jig of joy.

"You saved the day, little one!" he boomed, giving Scarlett a big hug.

Soon, it was time for Scarlett and Grandma to go home. The Cloud Magician gave Scarlett a special magnifying glass that could see the dreams people were having.

Back in her room, Scarlett hugged her Grandma goodnight. As she drifted off to sleep, she could hear the faint sound of giggling coming from her bookshelf. It was the cloud creatures, organizing the sparkles and whispering, "Thank you, Scarlett, for bringing back the order!"

Scarlett smiled. She knew that even though she was only two years old, even she could do amazing things – especially when it came to organizing!

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