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Sophia's Adventure in the Clouds

Sophia's Adventure in the Clouds

One morning, Sophia woke up, and everything in her room was floating! "Daddy!" she called. "Are we on a spaceship?"

Daddy chuckled. "Not exactly, sweetie. Look!" He pointed to the window. The sky wasn't blue anymore. It was a swirl of pink and lilac, and fluffy white clouds were right outside her window!

"Wow!" Sophia exclaimed.

"The clouds are calling us on a special adventure," Daddy said. "Let's go!" He picked her up, and they floated right out the window!

The clouds were soft and bouncy, like a giant trampoline. As they bounced higher, they saw amazing things! Giant books with wings flew past, their pages filled with glowing pictures.

"Look, Daddy, books are reading themselves!" Sophia giggled.

Suddenly, a book landed gently in front of them. Its cover shimmered with a thousand colors. As Sophia reached for it, the book opened, and a voice boomed, "Greetings from the Cloud Library! I am Booko. What brings you to the clouds?"

Sophia was a little bit scared, but she remembered how much she loved stories. "Hi, Booko," she said shyly. "I love reading!"

Booko's pages rustled. "Reading is wonderful!" he boomed. "It helps us learn and imagine!"

"Daddy reads to me every night," Sophia said. "He reads about spaceships and brave explorers!"

"And princesses!" Sophia added excitedly.

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Booko chuckled. "We have those stories here, and many more!" He pointed with one of his giant, papery wings.

Floating on a fluffy cloud nearby were the strangest creatures Sophia had ever seen. They were like colorful, jiggly blobs, with eyes that changed colors every second.

"Who are they?" Sophia asked.

"They are the Word Wizards," Booko explained. "They travel the universe, collecting stories and bringing them here to the Cloud Library."

One of the Word Wizards, a bright pink blob with sparkly green eyes, floated closer. "It's true!" it squeaked in a high-pitched voice. "We bring stories from everywhere! We even have stories from Earth!"

Sophia's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes!" The Word Wizard wobbled excitedly. "Stories about talking animals and magical lands!"

Sophia couldn't believe it. A whole library in the clouds, filled with stories from all over the universe! She wanted to stay forever!

But then, she started to feel a little bit tired.

"It's time to go, Sophia," Daddy said gently. He knew she was sad to leave. "But don't worry, we can come back and visit the Cloud Library anytime we want."

As they floated back down to their house, the sky slowly turned back to its normal blue. Sophia snuggled close to her dad, her head full of amazing stories.

That night, as Daddy tucked her into bed, Sophia said, "Daddy, will you read me a story about a little girl who went to a cloud library?"

Daddy smiled. "Of course, sweetie." He knew just the one. And as he read, Sophia closed her eyes, and she was back in the clouds, surrounded by books and Word Wizards, on the most exciting reading adventure ever!

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