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Sophia's Chore Chart in Space!

Sophia's Chore Chart in Space!

What if chores weren't just for Earth? What if they were for...SPACE! Sophia, a very smart four-year-old who wanted to be a doctor, giggled at the thought.

"Yuna, wouldn't it be funny if astronauts had to take out the space trash?" she asked her furry friend. Yuna, a magical, mysterious dog who loved reading comics, barked happily. She loved it when Sophia read to her, especially stories about space!

Suddenly, Sophia's room started to shake! A beam of bright blue light shot down from her ceiling and spun them around and around. When everything stopped, Sophia and Yuna were no longer in Sophia's room. They were on a shiny spaceship!

"Welcome aboard!" a friendly robot zipped over to them. "I'm Beep. Your mission is to help us with...space chores!"

Sophia's eyes widened! Space chores? It was just like she imagined! Beep showed them a long list: "Polishing the spaceship windows, sorting space rocks, watering the moon garden..."

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"Wow!" Sophia exclaimed. She couldn't believe it. She was actually in space, about to do space chores!

First, they had to polish the giant spaceship windows. Sophia and Yuna hopped onto cleaning robots that looked like big, friendly ladybugs. Sophia giggled as her ladybug robot zoomed across the window, leaving it sparkling clean!

Next, they went to the space rock sorting room. There were rocks of every color and size! Yuna, with her super sniffer, could tell which rocks were special space gems and which were just regular old rocks. She barked once for special, twice for regular. Sophia was so proud of her smart pup!

Finally, it was time to water the moon garden. Sophia put on a special space suit with tiny gardening tools attached to the gloves. She carefully watered each plant, making sure they had enough to grow big and strong. Yuna chased after moon butterflies, her tail wagging excitedly.

After they finished all the space chores, Beep gave them both a big, shiny star sticker. "You were amazing space helpers!" Beep chirped.

"This was the best day ever!" Sophia shouted, giving Yuna a big hug. Just then, the room started spinning again. When it stopped, Sophia and Yuna were back in her room, the blue light gone.

Sophia looked at her chore chart hanging on the wall. Taking out the trash and making her bed didn't seem so bad anymore. After all, it wasn't every day a girl got to do chores in space! And she knew, with Yuna by her side, even Earth chores could be an adventure.

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