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Sophia's Dinosaur Dilemma!

Sophia's Dinosaur Dilemma!

Sophia skipped into the kitchen, her backpack bouncing. "Grandma, guess what? We're learning about courage in school today!"

Grandma flipped a pancake. "Courage? That's wonderful, sweetie! What does courage mean to you?"

Sophia tapped her chin. "Hmm, it means being brave like a…like a dinosaur!"

Grandma chuckled. "Well, dinosaurs were certainly big! But remember, courage isn't about being big. It's about listening to your heart and doing the right thing, even when it's a little scary."

At school, Mrs. Thompson asked, "Can anyone tell me what courage is?"

Sophia's hand shot up like a rocket. "It's like when a dinosaur protects its egg, even if a bigger dinosaur comes along!"

Mrs. Thompson smiled. "That's a great example, Sophia! Courage is about facing your fears to help others."

Later, during playtime, Sophia saw her friend Michael trying to climb the monkey bars. He was little and struggling to reach the next bar.

Sophia remembered the dinosaurs and her grandma's words. "Don't worry, Michael! I'll help you!" she declared, puffing out her chest.

She stood below him, ready to catch him if he fell. With Sophia cheering him on, Michael finally reached the other side.

"Wow, Sophia, you were so brave!" he exclaimed.

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Sophia beamed. "It was nothing! I just used my dinosaur courage!"

Just then, Mrs. Thompson announced, "It's show-and-tell time!"

Sophia's eyes widened. She'd forgotten all about it! She was supposed to bring her favorite toy, but she'd left her teddy bear at home.

Her tummy felt funny. What if everyone laughed because she didn't bring anything? Then, she remembered the dinosaurs again. They wouldn't be scared to show something different!

Taking a deep breath, Sophia told Mrs. Thompson, "I don't have anything to show, but I can tell you a story about a brave dinosaur!"

And so she did. Sophia spun a tale of a tiny dinosaur who saved his friends from a big storm. She used silly voices and stomped her feet, making everyone giggle.

When she finished, the classroom erupted in applause.

"That was amazing, Sophia!" said Mrs. Thompson. "You showed real courage by sharing your story even though you were nervous."

Sophia grinned. Maybe courage wasn't about being big and scaly like a dinosaur after all. Maybe it was about listening to the brave whispers of your heart and sharing your own kind of roar with the world!

As Sophia walked home with Grandma, she chattered excitedly about her day.

"You were right, Grandma! Being brave isn't always easy, but it feels really good!" she declared, skipping ahead.

Grandma smiled, her heart full of pride. "That's my brave little dinosaur!" she whispered.

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