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Sophia's Sunny Smile

Sophia's Sunny Smile

The sun peeked through the curtains, making Sophia's teeth sparkle like little white pearls!

"Sophia, time for brushing teeth!" Mom called from the kitchen.

Sophia giggled. "Coming, Mom!" She loved brushing her teeth! Sometimes, her toothbrush became a choo-choo train, chugging back and forth. Other times, she pretended she was a dentist, counting each tooth as she brushed. Today, Sophia decided her toothbrush was a magic wand, making her smile extra sparkly!

After breakfast, Mom said, "Sophia, how about we go to the beach today? We can build sandcastles and splash in the waves!"

Sophia's eyes widened. "The beach? With the sand and the ocean? Wow!" She'd only seen pictures of beaches in her books.

Mom smiled. "It's even better in person. But first, promise me you'll brush your teeth extra well after eating all that yummy sandcastle-building sand?"

Sophia giggled. "I promise, Mom! I wouldn't want sandy teeth!"

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The drive to the beach felt like a magical adventure. When they arrived, Sophia gasped. The sand stretched out like a giant, golden playground, and the ocean sparkled like a million blue jewels! She ran towards the water, giggling as the waves tickled her toes.

Mom helped Sophia build a magnificent sandcastle, complete with a moat and seashell decorations. They splashed in the waves, laughed at the funny seagulls, and even buried Dad in the sand (don't worry, just up to his neck!).

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in beautiful colors, Mom said, "Time to go home, sweetie. And remember our promise?"

"Oh, right!" Sophia exclaimed. She knew how important brushing was, especially after a day at the beach. "But Mom," she whispered, "Do you think there are witches at the beach?"

Mom laughed. "Witches at the beach? What a funny thought! Why do you ask?"

"Because," Sophia whispered, "I think I saw a witch collecting seashells! Maybe she uses them to make magic potions for sparkly teeth!"

Mom chuckled. "Well, that would be a pretty cool potion! But even with magic potions, brushing is still important."

Back home, Sophia brushed her teeth, imagining the witch stirring a bubbly, sparkly potion in her cauldron.

"All clean!" Sophia announced, beaming at Mom. Her teeth sparkled brighter than ever. Maybe, just maybe, there was a little bit of magic in brushing after all!

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