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The Day We Met Fairies at the Market!

The Day We Met Fairies at the Market!

One sunny Saturday, William and his dad were playing catch in their backyard. "Wow, William, you threw that ball so high!" exclaimed Dad. William giggled, his four-year-old face beaming with pride. He loved playing catch with his dad, especially because sometimes, when he threw the ball really hard, it felt like his super strength kicked in!

"How about we go to the street market today, champ?" Dad asked. William loved the market! There were always so many colors and yummy smells, and sometimes even funny-looking fruits he'd never seen before.

As they walked through the bustling market, William's eyes darted everywhere. There were red, spiky rambutans, bright green mangoes, and even a fruit that looked like a star! "Dad, look!" William shouted, pointing at a stall draped in colorful fabrics. A kind lady with a twinkling smile offered them a taste of something called "dragon fruit." It was pink and green on the outside and white on the inside with tiny black seeds. "Yummy!" William exclaimed, happily munching on the sweet fruit.

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Suddenly, William spotted something amazing. Hovering above a basket of strawberries were tiny, glowing figures with delicate butterfly wings. They were fairies! They fluttered around the strawberries, sprinkling them with what looked like glittery dust. "Dad, look, fairies!" William whispered, his eyes wide with wonder. Dad chuckled, "Those are just some colorful lights, William. But it's fun to pretend they are fairies, right?"

But William knew what he saw. He snuck closer to the stall and saw a tiny fairy, no bigger than his thumb, struggling to lift a strawberry. Remembering how much he loved helping his dad carry heavy grocery bags, William decided to help the fairy. With his super strength, he gently lifted the strawberry and placed it in the fairy's basket.

The tiny fairy giggled and flew up to William’s ear. "Thank you, big friend! You are very strong," she squeaked in a voice tinier than a whisper. Then, with a blink of her eyes and a wave of her tiny wand, she sprinkled some glittery dust over William. As quickly as she appeared, the fairy zipped back to her basket, disappearing amongst the strawberries.

William skipped back to his dad, a secret smile on his face. He couldn't wait to tell his dad all about the fairy and her magic dust, even though he knew his dad might not believe him. But that was okay. It was their little secret. As they walked home, hand-in-hand, William knew this was a day at the market he would never forget.

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